The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine Issue 5 | Page 3

A Note From the Editor Editor, CEO Marla Murasko Design & Layout Melinda Martin Contributors Lauren Kossack Cara Koscinski Melissa Frankenfeld Yolanda Baker Tracy Felix Miriam Slozberg Chantale Dupuis Amy Miller David Ramirez Cover Photo Erin Wainwright Stock Photography If you would like to be featured in or be a contributing writer for our next issue, please contact Marla Murasko at [email protected] Volume 1, Issue 5 January 2015 Welcome to SpecialMoms! Goals are Dreams without deadlines... Let me take a moment to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I can’t believe we are almost into February, and the Super Bowl is right around the corner! Whether you are a sports person or not, this time of year makes you think about what football teams need to win the big game, and that’s having a “Game Plan”. That same perspective holds true within our special needs community. Having a GAME PLAN will ensure a healthier, more productive life for our loved ones with special needs. This issue’s theme is about just that…. creating a plan. The articles in this issue will help you with financial, health, leisure and business tips throughout the next few months and the coming years. Taking the initiative in ensuring a happy, healthy, productive life for you and your family starts with taking that first step. It’s a journey that we want to take with you. Here is sending positive vibes for a successful and vibrant future!