The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine Issue 5 | Page 18

How To Plan A Vacation When Your Child Has Food Allergies By Lauren Kossack I used to live for vacations. When I worked full time, I constantly lived for the next trip or significant amount of time off. I dreamed about the places I’d go, the people I’d see, and even the food I’d taste. Especially during those long winter months that I had in Indiana. At times, dreaming about vacation and counting down the days until I could escape the cold was all that got me through. Fast forward a few years to when both of my sons came into the world. I knew that vacations would be different now that I had kids, but that didn’t matter. I wasn’t going to let anything stop me from traveling and at times escaping to that little piece of heaven on earth. What I didn’t know at that time was that both of my little men had multiple life-threatening food allergies. Following their diagnosis, I didn’t want to go anywhere. Home was our safe haven. It was the only place where I didn’t have to worry about what my little men ate and touched. After about a year of learning all of the things that I could do to keep my little men safe, I began to feel safe as well. I finally thought, “I’ve got this!” and was ready to tackle a family vacation. After all, it had been a good 3 years since I’d been anywhere outside of Indiana. My family invited us to join them on a trip to