The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine Issue 5 | Page 10

O ur family lives in Wisconsin and the cold, dark days of winter are here to stay for awhile. We all know the feeling. It’s the middle of winter and long, enjoyable, active days out in the sunshine seem like they may never come again. Cabin fever can really get the better of our healthy lifestyle, moods and motivation. Children especially need an outlet for their energy. Their health, growth and development is dependent upon gross motor activity. Not only is active play fun, but it is essential for muscle, cognitive and social/emotional development. Fighting Cabin Fever: Keeping Children Active During the Winter Months By Amy Miller could spend our days splashing in the waves and making sandcastles, I wouldn’t think twice. But I don’t think that’s in the cards for us. And it may not be for you either. So if you have the means to do a little “stay-cation” get away to a local indoor resort/waterpark, that can be a good way to fight the winter doldrums. Breaking up the monotony and enjoying 80 degree water slides, pools and splash pads provides you with some quality family bonding time and the opportunity to keep your little ones active. During your “stay-cation” you can also take a trip to a bowling alley, indoor mini-golf facility or laser tag arena. Why Active Play? Local Activities It’s no secret that exercise oxygenates the blood and stimulates the heart and other internal organs. It also releases endorphins and adrenaline, making us feel good and providing energy. I know I feel better and am more able to focus if I get even a 10 minute walk in during the day. Children experience these same benefits. By providing the children in our lives with the opportunity to be active, we are promoting a healthy life 7G