The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine 4th Issue | Page 32
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What have been some of your biggest
obstacles/challenges in raising a child
with special needs?
Overcoming the stereotype of what it means to
have Down syndrome. At points, we’ve had to
fight to allow AnnCatherine to be evaluated/challenged for what SHE is capable of instead of limiting her based on an “experts” opinion of Down
Can you elaborate on this comment:
“I wish I knew then, what I know
would any other child…they have to share, they
have to turn take, it’s not all about them….so that
you set them up for successful friendships.
AnnCatherine is incredibly blessed to have amazing friends. Friends that are “typically developing” that challenge, support, encourage and love
her unconditionally. This was my biggest fear for
her when she was a baby…would she have friends?
The answer is YES! But we have tried hard to teach
her to be a friend also. A parent, especially a special needs parent would pay ANYTHING to have
friends for their child and we have been given a
priceless gift of friends who love her for all she is
and see all she can be. So, my advice is to work on
social skills with your special needs child like you
I’m a Mom of four living children and have a “bonus.” I’m
a producing REALTOR in the
Indianapolis market and although my career is demanding it allows me a great dea l of
flexibility for my family. We
have been doing annual mission work in a small town in
Mexico since 1990 and a big
part of my family’s joy is derived from investing in and
helping others.
Can you share your journey when
advocating for your daughter to play a
competitive sport in high school?
The tennis coach told her from the time her sister
Lillie played on the high school team that he would
see her on the tennis court. He has been incredibly
encouraging, kind, and welcoming. It was a gift
that she got to play on the tennis team with her
sister and they had a wonderful season. It was a
huge joy for our family that they got to play on the