The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine 3rd Issue | Page 30

Karen Franco, Author stories, but it is writing nonetheless. I always felt I could communicate better in writing, and it was therapeutic for me especially after Jacob came into my life. It was my way to express my feelings. Jacob’s special needs have brought such a different dimension to my life and I had to learn to cope with all the challenges…writing does that for me. Writing also gives me a way to help other people and families who may be facing similar challenges with their children. How did you bring it from an idea to reality? What were the first steps you took to get it going? I had my story written for a while, but I was having trouble finding an illustrator. A friend, Marybeth Zuhlke, a retired educator, but now does consulting work in the schools, with a focus in art. She had a program at Roosevelt Elementary School in Kenosha and that is where she met my future illustrator, Gabbie Jensen. She told me about Gabbie’s talent and was adamant that I meet her. I ended up meeting Gabbie and her family. Gabbie sat down and showed me her artwork. I was so impressed. I knew right then she was the one. Another unique part of the story is, Gabbie has a little brother who has Down’s syndrome, so Gabbie was able to capture all of Jacob’s emotions so well in her artwork because she lives with special needs every day. What was the biggest struggle you encountered when starting your business? Marketing my book is my biggest struggle. Finding the time, finding places to sell my facebook 30 book, making sure I advertise in some way so people are aware of my book. It can be a challenge. Keeping up with the social media so that your brand is consistently in front of people while maintaining their interest. What is your proudest/greatest accomplishment to date in your business? I actually have two…my first one is when I held my published book in my hands for the first time. I couldn’t have been happier, and another moment to date is a message from a parent…here is her message: “Last weekend, I finally had some time to myself. I grabbed a box of Kleenex and finally read Just Hold My Hand. I read it three times, and each time it was more wonderful than the previous. Yes, I cried my eyes out, but that’s just me. Your message in Just Hold My Hand is so simple yet so extremely powerful. We have tried versions of this and nothing really worked too well. After reading your book, we wanted to try a gain, with the simple suggestion of holding Jacob’s hand. It was amazing...IT WORKED :). Jacob has a huge amount of anxiety around noise, to a point where we can’t go to a place where we anticipate noise, or we had to leave a place because there was too much noise, and not just noise, but even music. I also found “Meet Jacob,” “Meet the Illustrator,” “Ackowledgements,” and the “Editorial Evaluation” on your website, extremely inspiring and I thank you for that. It is obvious that this book is written from the heart. I love it. You are absolutely right. It is very helpful to know that people are dealing with similar twitter