The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine 2nd Issue | Page 2

In This Issue Paul Murasko Julie Cole of Mabel’s Labels Ellen Stumbo of Finding Beauty in Brokenness Julie Bombacino of Real Food Blends Katrina Moody Gary Dietz of Dads of Disability Isabella Yosuico of Mighty Tykes { Melanie Merritt of Joyful Blessings Articles EVERY ISSUE } Spring 2014 4 11 14 29 31 Interviews 20 23 40 Hot Dogs Are Not a Neutral Food The Power of Yet What is Music Therapy? From Down Syndrome to Cerebral Palsy: An Adoption Story Eye to Eye - Soul to Soul Sending Your Kid with Food Allergies to Summer Camp How to Overcome Isolation When Working From Home Rethinking Dyslexia Letter of Intent Offers Peace of Mind 7 9 16 27 34 36 38 49 51 Advocate’s Corner: Pursuing Prader-Willi Syndrome 43 Business Briefcase: Why It’s Important to Study Your Competition 45 Book Review: Where Do Belly Buttons Come From? 47 Book Recommendations 53