The Special Eden Creatures Special Creatures | Page 9

BS"D The Wisdom of the Elders and Frieda the Frog Ollie, the Wise Owl made lived in an oak tree more than three hundred years old whose branches stretch towards the heights of the sky. Nicki the woodpecker pecked steps into the thick bark, and a deep hole in which Ollie made his home. "Good evening," calls Frieda, and hops up the steps and waited until Ollie came out near to where she sat on the branch. Picture: A frog hopping upstairs to hole in a tall oak tree The owl made his appearance with the first twinkling of the stars. Ollie, the wise old owl came out, stretched his wings. Once he heard the sound of Frieda's voice and immediately understood her, "Do you want to sing and croak like the rest of your family?" Frieda excitedly replies, "Of course, there's nothing I want more, can you tell me how I can achieve that." Oliver, the wise old owl replied, and told Frieda the frog to pay close attention so he can give her an idea, "and don’t tell anyone anything about what I tell you." The next morning, Frieda the frog Mickey the monkey hurried back to Eden Pond. Picture: A frog speaking to owl that stands at opening to hole in a tall oak tree It was no easy task to learn something new after so many years of not being able to croak. "All beginnings are difficult," states Pearl in her heart, but truly believing it's really possible. Frieda turns to ask Pearl, "You learned to copy the talk of everyone here." Parakeets have a special characteristic of being able to repeat everything they hear. Would you be willing to give me speaking lessons?" "There's no time like the present," responded Pearl, "come on, let's get started. Don't be upset if you don't get it right all at once."" Pearl and Frieda continued their lesson until the middle of the afternoon, as Ollie had suggested with pleasant feeling and lots of patience. Frieda as if all of a sudden, let out a quiet croak, but immediately takes a deep breath and lets out a croak that sounded like thunder. Picture: A frog talking voice lessons from a parakeet. As our story comes to a close we see Frieda joining the Special Eden Creatures, "Listen to me everybody, I'm croaking! Nee nee, deep deep, nee deep, nee deep!" All the Special Eden Creatures tried croaking with sounds from deep within their stomachs, while laughing their heads off. Picture: A frog singing in a group of other frogs, everybody with smile from ear to ear. 2 The Frog