The Sovereign Voice ITNJ Commemorative Issue | Page 39

... Ghulja, in 1997, that’s where you have this mild These people, they don’t drink, they don’t smoke, uprising which was followed by police suddenly they practice this very healthy form of Chi Gong and patrolling the cemeteries. Ok, so young men were all your patients are going to be healthy like them. So disappearing and suddenly the cemeteries were don’t worry. completely off limits. The reason why is because the bodies were essentially being stripped before ...Now just a word about numbers, here (show photo they went to the graves. The same time you have a of five women) you’ve got a very good representation comprehensive blood testing, for the first time, of of Falun Gong refugees, these five women all political prisoners in particular, and this is done on had been in labor camp, all five women had been behalf of six high-ranking Chinese cadres who arrive tortured, one of them, I’m not saying which one, was in Armuchee looking for organs. They get their sexually abused very severely, and the one on the organs eventually, and I talked to the doctor who did left was given blood tests that were clearly for organ the testing of the prisoners... and he did the testing tissue matching. There were looking at her very and they got their organs and then six more arrived. closely for her organs. So that was the beginning of the cycle of taking Of that, I pull a number of 65,000 (Falun Gong killed innocent people and killing them for their organs. for their organs), which is much more complicated But it was kept very quite, and the whole Xinjiang procedure than that, but it’s really a wartime region is very separated from China so it was easy estimate. We don’t really have a firm grasp on the to control that. I don’t see any sign that it started to numbers, that was 65,000 for 2000 to 2008, they have become policy for the rest of the country, and we (Kilgour/Matas) is 41,500 between 2001 to 2005. really have a missing link at that point. We all find it very hard to make good calculations on how many people are actually dead, though I do ... in 2004 this doctor, whos name is Ko Wen-je, believe it’s in the 100s of thousands at this point. some of you may know him as the mayor of Taipei, he was a surgeon and he went to China, he was ... I estimated (the number of Falun Gong looking into organs for his clinic and everybody incarcerations) half a million to a million at any knew you go to China as there’s a very short waiting given time. Now those numbers aren’t perfect. I’m list, about two weeks, to get an organ anywhere else sure there’s a bit of a revolving door since sentences you wait 2 years. can range from one weekend to 20 years. But we are going to start seeing the same sorts of things coming So he goes and he looks into prices and he was out of this. We’re seeing torture, even new methods told they would give him the foreigner price, and of torture. I live here actually, I’m a British citizen, bargained and bargained and said he wanted the as well as an American Citizen, and I am somewhat Chinese price, they got to know each other and he ashamed in my new country for not grappling with finally expressed I’m not even sure these organs are this problem properly. Don’t run with the Vatican, any good as they are coming from drug addicts, they at least run with your allies. Run with America, run are coming from hardened criminals, these people with the European Union. So I think that’s the very they drink, they smoke, they are a real problem. least that could be done, at least go through the They finally said, well look, you don’t understand, measure of condemning this procedure.” all these organs are coming from the Falun Gong. I.T.N.J