The Sovereign Voice ITNJ Commemorative Issue | Page 31

here, there are people on your commission who are where just photographing somebody smoking a joint more expert in this area and have worked in some or photographing somebody engaged in extramarital of these intelligence agencies that were responsible sex is not what it was in the 1960s. for doing this, and they probably have much more to say on it than I do. But just broadly, there were these Nobody cares, so they had to go much deeper down ruling families due to their roles within the banking the rabbit hole of human depravity, and as a result, system, and within the oil industry to a certain as the wikileaks emails showed, we have US political extent, they became wealthy over a short period of leads in their spare time, for whatever reason, time, compound interest, as it turns out, is one of the are using a language that’s known to federal law wonders of the world when you’re one of the ruling enforcement to be used by child traffickers. And we banking families. do know there are occult connections, Spirit Cooking is being done by many US celebrities, it’s overtly You can make so much money within a couple occult, it’s overtly satanic. So that’s really the broad generations, and things go in a very sinister direction strokes of what our research has popularized, with where they kind of co-opted these cults that had the help of many others. existed for a very long time. A cable network in the US, AHC, which is owned by Discovery Networks, I think, pretty much, as Pizzagate goes out wider and which owns the Discovery Channel and many other wider that the whole mainstream media is done. I content providers in the US, AHC aired an hour long mean, you have Comedy Central mocking it as fake special called, ‘Inside the cult of Satan,’ about how news, you have the CBS evening comedy host Steven this pre-biblical cult of which child abuse and human Colbert mocking it as dangerous fake news, you have sacrifice is simply a part of what they do, and has the New York Times and the Washington Post both been operating underground for centuries, and more receive Pulitzers just recently... they both receive recently has kind of peaked it’s head up in the form Pulitzer Prizes for their ‘work’ ‘unearthing’ the of institutionalized human trafficking and political Russian collusion story, which by the way if it were leads being compromised by this stuff. 100% true it’s not even a felony...Not a felony they were investigating, and they award them Pulitzers... So to get back to what I was saying, the broad Meanwhile Pizzagate bubbles-up thanks to internet stroke here, I think it that these banking families, researchers, thanks to the decentralized nature of in collusion with these intelligence agencies, I don’t internet media, Pizzagate keeps bubbling up and they quite know how this happened, began brownstoning keep trying to suppress it at the New York Times or pedofying a number of elected leaders, either and the Washington Post and places like Buzzfeed selecting for leaders who are already perverts and Newsweek, so I think all those brands are pretty and deviants, selecting them because they can be much done. As this goes viral, it’s like they tried to compromised easily, and then giving them the cover up Watergate, they are not going to have a money and resources to seek national office. Or in future. some cases just using that as a blackmail component, you know, if you want to get access to this stuff, then I think we’re at a point right now where the internet you have to become a member of the club, and this is censorship from the big three or four social media how we control you. And so this is used as a means pipelines are so bad, if you mention topics like of control, because we live in a post modern age Pizzagate, you’re liable to get a temporary ban...” I.T.N.J