The Sovereign Voice ITNJ Commemorative Issue | Page 29

O P E N I N G S TAT E M E N T F R O M Dr. Cynthia McKinney COMMISSIONER TO THE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR NATURAL JUSTICE H onorable Justices, Your Grace, and my fellow Commissioners of the ITNJ, When I confronted former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in congress about whether or not it was government policy to reward corporations like DynCorp for the sex trafficking, it was intended to throw light on the very narrative which the Commission of Inquiry is now enacting. I am encouraged to see that the subject is now becoming known to the world at large and that in our generation we can, and will, route this evil from our civilizational wheel. The horror of these atrocities, and the suffering of millions of souls, is made all the worse by systemic collusion of factions within trusted institutions, government agencies, child care services, social services, and even churches around the globe. The scale of human trafficking and child abuse must surely be the most untold story of our civilization. 25 million souls every year, 8 million of them are children. Billions upon billions of dollars are being generated. Being generated by whom? The travesty is that we, more or less, know the answers, and certainly are able to determine those answers with little effort. But that effort is not being undertaken. It is not being undertaken by the very agencies and institutions that are mandated to protect and serve good people of the world. In villages, in towns, in cities across our globe. Some of my fellow Commissioners within this Judicial Commission of Inquiry are world leading experts in statistical analysis of tracking and of identifying remedy to these seminal concerns. As this Commission of Inquiry unfolds, we will make known to the world the sheer scale of human trafficking and child sex abuse. We will not balk from this duty of care, and we will be joined by millions of people the world over, concerned citizens, concerned mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers alike. I look forward to presiding at the commission seating in the United States in the months ahead, and wish my colleagues every success with this three day seating in Westminster, London. Thank you very much, and may God bless us all. page 27