The Sovereign Voice ITNJ Commemorative Issue | Page 24

SO HOW DO WE DO IT Historically, the ambitions of the ITNJ would have In 2017 the ITNJ Board of Trustees determined that had to have been more limited. What has allowed this the most impactful direction for the ITNJ was to transformation to occur is the blockchain: a digitized, focus on creating its inaugural Judicial Commission decentralized public ledger, which records through of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex smart contracts, our decisions, agreements and Abuse, and thereby began appointing justices and relationships. In many cases it does this by agreeing commissioners to champion this noble endeavor. a value to that exchange or dialogue in the form of a However, the ITNJ does not ‘own’ the justice, it is digital currency called cryptocurrency or tokenization. the community that this decentralized structure is to This currency or token can be used to incentivize the the benefit of that has sovereignty over that domain. exchange in a positive way – either by punishing bad It is expected that with progress the structure itself behaviour or by rewarding good. will become little more than a fabric for the benefit of communication in that community (humanity) Vitalik Buterin, the father of the Ethereum blockchain, instead of a set of legislative rules over them. Just and its prophet, proposed the following on the as how, in a common language, we may learn decentralized court: sentence construction or punctuation so that we may communicate, but sentence construction itself does “One crypto-institution that would be very useful for not own language or ‘own’ its usage, it is merely a a large set of different applications is a mechanism means to an end. by which a user could ask a question, expressed in the form of English text, and have a decentralized In this way, the process of the ITNJ, a big organism, mechanism, perhaps based on schellingcoin, Martin owns nothing save for the benefit of the Community, Koppelmann’s ultimate oracle, subjectivocracy (a and where it has utility or effectiveness, is not for very similar concept to slock’s DAO splitting) or some ‘everyday’ disputes but rather for those that are other scheme with similar properties determine the either supported by significant petitioning or for answer, and then send a callback and a log to the crowdfunding enterprise, or which have been deemed user who asked the question. To achieve scalability, as creating landmark decisions or that have been a multi-stage scheme where only a few randomly clearly and heinously ignored, or have not been selected judges look at each question by default, and susceptible to the processes of the centralized court are incentivized by the threat of a larger ‘supreme systems despite their public importance. court’ contradicting them, is probably optimal.” Only once the justices and commissioners have agreed For decentralization to work in this context it must after listening to evidence of live witnesses, experts, solve four issues: decentralization of public blockchain read testimony and seen video evidence and heard design; decentralization of evidence gathering, advocacy (all filmed and transmitted live to an open decentralization of decision making, decentralization network audience) and once it is established that of enforcement. this is of public and international importance to the survival and/or development of all sentient souls in The blockchain development and design must be the light of the Golden Rule, then, and then only, does as much as possible decentralized, which is why we the ITNJ truly awaken… will need to develop our own system (or modify page 22