The Sovereign Voice ITNJ Commemorative Issue | Page 23

( and more normally the acquiescence ) of the people . It is Humanity that gives the State its existence , it is Humanity that acknowledges the State its powers , and it is Humanity that can discern whether the State has failed or succeeded . And ultimately , since the State is just our chosen concept , we can by the will of Humanity ’ s consensus – also simply will the State away .
Therefore , it is to that fundament , humanity in its diversity , in its unformed condition , that we , the people , can look to justice . And a global , informed consensus facilitated not trammelled , by either Artificial intelligence or deep learning algorithms will become the arbiter of our justice ; disintermediating the inefficiency of our antiquated judicial systems and setting us free of the inherent corruption and jeopardy of a system of Judge qua God .
Enforcement will come through community and share activism against the great countries , through consumer sanctions not selected by the state but by us as great groups of people , by the withdrawal of our common support . These have long been the tactics of collective groups and are highly effective . We can also force our still existing State apparatus to enforce against the wrongdoers , the success of petitioning has shown this . Gandhi was not a State , yet he brought down an Empire .
The big issue is how do we avoid mob rule – or the primitive excesses of human passion that can get stirred by demagogic advocacy and lead to the dehumanization of the liberties of others in the spurious pursuit of ‘ the greater good .’ But this downward route is a road blocked off and impossible in the face of Natural Justice , for Natural Justice essentially boils down to the Golden Rule – ‘ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you .’ The Golden Rule functions as a procedural standard for judging the moral legitimacy of courses of conduct and as the only constitution does not harbour the wind of ill-will . Nor can it be curtailed ; injustice to one of us , is an injustice to all of us .
Note to that the Golden Rule is a positive rule , it is not of the ‘ Thou Shalt not …’ patriarchal variety that has hitherto dominated the global legal systems . A positive statement that requires our mutual action propagates the evolutionary rather than the status quo . It takes us to our better selves .
Because Natural Justice as defined by the Golden Rule is language based , structured by words commonly defined , it is inherently a decentralized infrastructure . It does not need codification by a centralized authority . Even if all the dictionaries in the world were erased , the meaning would still be clear and two strangers could meet and they would still largely agree upon what the other was trying to say . This form of decentralization is observable whether approached from a social , political or logical perspective .
Decentralization is important because it resists ‘ hijacking ’ by small interest groups or elites , which are inclined to act in support of their own , often short-term needs , to the disbenefit of humanity and the universal ecosystem . It achieves this by exponentially increasing and randomizing the number of functional nodes where key decision-making activity occurs . This makes both hacking and collusion to defeat the purpose of the autonomous organization uneconomical and physically harder to make happen . A by-product of this decentralization is that like biodiverse systems , extinction becomes more difficult . It is easier to cut of the head of a snake than a hydra ’ s heads , and harder still a generation of snakes hidden in a jungle . A by-product of the internet is that it gives the formerly silenced a voice .
I . T . N . J