The Sovereign Voice ITNJ Commemorative Issue | Page 109

Jimmy Savile , Horace Mann , Roy Cohn , CIA http :// aangirfan . blogspot . com / 2012 / 10 / jimmysavile-horace-mann-roy-cohn-cia . html
Beyond the Dutroux Affair : the Reality Of Protected Child Abuse and Snuff Networks https :// isgp-studies . com / belgian-x-dossiers-of-thedutroux-affair
The Royal Family and Pedophile Connections – Exposed ! http :// anonymous4justice . blogspot . com / 2015 / 01 / the-royal-family-and-pedophile . html
Pedophile rings are enormous and pervasive among the world ’ s elites https :// www . sott . net / article / 322016-Pedophile-ringsare-enormous-and-pervasive-among-the-worldselites
David Icke speaks with Alex Jones on Satanism and Elite Pedophile Rings https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = -J10qalF1hA
Jeffrey Epstein – Lolita Express and Sex Slave Island Jeffrey Epstein , the “ billionaire pedophile ” who was accused of keeping under aged girls as sex slaves on his private island , was long known to be friendly with former President Bill Clinton . Recently published flight logs for Jeffrey Epstein ’ s private plane dubbed the ‘ Lolita Express ’ reveal Bill Clinton took at least 26 trips on Epstein ’ s private plane . Erik Prince of Blackwater infamy alleges that Hillary Clinton took at least 6 trips on the Lolita Express . http :// www . washingtontimes . com / news / 2016 / may / 14 / bill-clinton-ditched-secret-service-onmultiple-lo /
Clinton Corruption
Hillary was involved in the NGO run by Laura Silsby , the former director of the The New Life Children ’ s Refuge . Silsby was caught attempting to steal and smuggle 33 children from Haiti , most of whom weren ’ t even orphans at the time . Hillarys connection to Silsby ’ s NGO dates back till at least 2001 , based on Wikileaks emails .
Someone connected the dots in the Podesta emails and found the Clinton Child Trafficking ... seems there were multiple US missionaries in Haiti stealing children , and Hillary at State Dept . sent Bill there after the earthquake to cover up the child abduction scandal , and Laura Silsby was the only missionary Bill couldn ’ t get off the hook .... she was trying to get 33 children out of Haiti , and when their identities were verified , they were found not to be orphans , and returned to their parents . http :// www . tmn . today / 2016 / 11 / evidence-showsclintons-connected-child-trafficking /
Some discoveries from Wikileaks : Hillary is paying for the defense of a Haitian child trafficker by a lawyer who is a convicted child trafficker . https :// www . reddit . com / r / conspiracy / comments / 5d0eo8 / some _ discoveries _ from _ wikileaks _ hillary _ is _ paying /
Monica Petersen , Who Was Investigating Clinton Foundation For Human Trafficking Found Dead In Haiti https :// www . reddit . com / r / The _ Donald / comments / 5dfltq / woman _ who _ was _ investigating _ clinton _ foundation /
Citizen investigators have done most of the legwork on this investigation , and were using Reddit for data sharing and vetting , but the PizzaGate subreddit has been taken down by Reddit . https :// www . reddit . com / r / pizzagate
Most of the data gathered up to that point had already been backed up to PasteBin ; http :// pastebin . com / ZykxjTRL
and the citizen researchers have moved their data here . https :// voat . co / v / pizzagate /
Huge Breakthrough in D . C . Pedophilia Ring http :// www . theeventchronicle . com / study / hugebreakthrough-d-c-pedophilia-ring /
The Empire Files : Abby Martin Exposes the Podesta Emails https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 9fat63bqvG8
I . T . N . J