The Sovereign Voice Issue 5 | Page 69

a sincere desire to align their will with the Divine would be likely to receive some form of Divine communication, instruction, or assistance at some point in their lives? Perhaps this is a far more common occurrence than we tend to assume. irrefutable fact that each one of us holds a unique, unrepeatable, and irreplaceable place within the Universe, and thus we all have a right to form a personal relationship with the divine without ad-hoc intermediaries demanding we follow “their” template—realistically, how could things possibly work any other way? There is no priest in the world powerful enough to negate the facts that: 1. you exist; and 2. you are a unique expression of creation with a unique story and perspective; and 3. your relationship with the Divine is ultimately a matter between you and the Divine! WHAT IS THE DIVINE? AND WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH POLITICS AND LAW? The above being said, we must define the “Divine” before we get too far ahead of ourselves; after all, if we are going to bring up the Divine in this article, then we cannot afford to be ambiguous about what we mean, considering the paramount importance of this concept. Words like “divine” and “supernatural” tend to carry numerous and loaded connotations; and for millennia, various groups have attempted to define these things and/ or spin their meanings in diverse ways for a wide variety of purposes. Where some people have sought to find a better way of life and a “higher” purpose through their spirituality, others have gone out of their way to instill in people a fear of the Divine, such as the Roman Catholic Church in promulgating the doctrine of Original Sin. Those who would disagree with the above necessarily accept the burden of proving the contrary…. And that, believe it or not, is indeed the origin of the invention of “Original Sin”—a doctrine that, though artificial, needed to be enshrined at the heart of (so-called) “Christian” Law in order for the Vatican, et al., to justify its campaigns of barbaric conquest, claiming “dominion” over the heathens of the world. In defining the “divine” we must be extremely careful. The ability to exercise personal choice when it comes to matters of spiritual perspective— provided that one does not trespass on the rights of others—ought to be considered sacred. It is an TheSovereignVoice.Org