The Sovereign Voice Issue 5 | Page 44

I think instead of voting for the lesser of two evils we should stop participating in a system that hurts everyone regardless of who wins. And in conjunction, we should start working together to make a truly honorable, fair, and just system for all. That's what the founding fathers of the United States tried to do so long ago, and if they were alive today, they would probably implore us to do the same. If you still decide to vote, then that is your choice; I won't judge you harshly for doing so. I love and honor all my fellow brothers and sisters in this world, every single one. I love you so much that I am willing to risk our connection to share my truths about voting. This is my understanding based on research and deep soul searching. I made this choice after studying the law, legal systems, and history. The constitutional republic of the U.S. was replaced by a fascist corporate state back in 1871 that quietly conquered the organic government with the stroke of a pen—but you won't find this in history books or in TV documentaries. By voting, we literally give this foreign occupying force the power to rule over us. The United States Declaration of Independence spelled out that our consent is what gives government its power. And it also told us what we need to do when government becomes tyrannical. These principles apply to every nation on Earth. " ... Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government ... " ~ THE UNITED STATES DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE The problem is we keep giving our power away, and the price is hardship and suffering for all. The solution is simple but requires critical thinking, courage, and a willingness to be the change. As much as I would like to force you to stop voting this isn't the right thing to do. Honoring the rights of my fellow human beings is something I've dedicated my life to, and despite my desire to make this world a better place, I can't compromise my morals, integrity, or the truth in order to do it. All I ask is that you think about voting in its present form, what it has accomplished, and why the powers that be want you to do it so badly. In a world where almost everything is regulated, taxed, censored, and oppressed, voting in their fraudulent government is one of the only things our would-be masters encourage us to do. The powers that be would never let us vote—and certainly not encourage us to do so—if we could change the system by voting. Think about that for a minute. Sometimes the only way to restore the balance is to let something that is corrupt and diseased die so that a new and better system can take its place. TheSovereignVoice.Org