The Sovereign Voice issue 4 | Page 27

cess, and those researchers willing to be pioneers in a world otherwise bogged down with hearsay and opinions stand to make the critical difference. A mountain of data and evidence have been condensed into a shocking collage that provides readers these keys — education and knowledge If one were to compare the reported German gold recovered by the Allies during the closing stages of the war, the gold balance remaining for Allied repatriations would not have been adequate to finance Germany’s World War II operations. With the realisation that the preparation and conduct of any war is vastly expensive, I wanted to prove just how Hitler’s World War II was financed, which forced other nations to off-set a German advantage. So just how did Hitler finance his World War II? On close examination, one could conclude FDR’s 1934 “Quantitative Easing” trade programme may have been the source of these funds from its deposit at BIS. War…by Wall Street, for Wall Street? The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations before 1940 can only be described as phenomenal. For example, in 1934 Germany domestically produced only 300,000 tons of natural petroleum products and less than 800,000 tons of synthetic gasoline; the balance was imported. In World War II, the transfer of the hydrogenation patents and technology of Standard Oil of New Jersey[2] to I. G. Farben Germany produced about 6-1/2 million tons of oil — of which 85% was synthetic oil using the Standard Oil hydrogenation process. Moreover, the control of synthetic oil output in Germany was held by the I. G. Farben subsidiary, Braunkohle-Benzin A. G., and this Farben cartel itself was created in 1926 with Wall Street financial assistance. On the other hand, the general impression left with the reader by modern historians is that this American technical assistance was accidental and that American industrialists were innocent of wrongdoing. For example, the Kilgore Committee stated: of how finance really works in our world. We are all very fortunate that James Bernard Gilmore has researched, compiled, and written this book, and chosen to release The Bankster Diaries at this critical moment in history. “The United States accidentally played an important role in the technical arming of Germany. Although the German military planners had ordered and persuaded manufacturing corporations to install modern equipment for mass production, neither the military economists nor the corporations seem to have realized to the full extent what that meant. Their eyes were opened when two of the chief American automobile companies built plants in Germany in order to sell in the European market, without the handicap of ocean freight charges and high German tariffs. Germans were brought to Detroit to learn the techniques of specialized production of components, and of straight-line assembly. What they saw caused further reorganization and refitting of other key German war plants. The techniques learned in Detroit were eventually used to construct the dive-bombing Stukas.... At a later period I. G. Farben representatives in this country enabled a stream of German engineers to visit not only plane plants but others of military importance, in which they learned a great deal that was eventually used against the United States.[3]” “Since these observations emphasize the ‘accidental’ nature of the assistance, it has been concluded that: ‘It is almost superfluous to point out that the motives of the American firms bound to contracts with German concerns were not pro-Nazi, whatever else they may have been’.”[4] [Editor’s note: We let you, the Reader, decide whether or not the arming of Nazis was “accidental” or instead might have been deliberate. And if it was deliberate, then the questions become: how was this orchestrated, who did it, and why?] Follow and discuss The Bankster Diaries on Facebook. TheSovereignVoice.Org