The Sovereign Voice Issue 2 | Page 94

meeting shall be adjourned and an alternative date and time set for the meeting to take place within 7 days. 7. Should an alternative time not be possible within 7 days for whatever reason, and after three further attempts to arrange a meeting pursuant to this clause an alternative time is still not possible, a meeting shall be called with at least four Trustees present to deal with the business in hand. Should a vote result in a stale-mate, then the business in hand will have failed to achieve a positive outcome. 8. The validity of the resolutions of the Board of Trustees meetings shall require the positive vote of not less than four ordinary Trustees, except where the subject matter of the meeting includes an amendment to this constitution or the removal of a Judge in which case the positive vote of not less than six Trustees shall always be required notwithstanding Clause 7 of the present Article. 9. Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be conducted in accordance with this Charter and such other procedure as the Tribunal may implement, and shall be recorded and added to the Minute Record. No resolution of the Board of Trustees shall be valid if it is does not form part of the Record. The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that the Board of Trustee meetings and the resolutions arising therefrom, are properly reflected in the Minute Record. 10. Meetings of the Trustees may be conducted at any physical venue which is easily accessible to all Board Members, or through any appropriate virtual platform. All meetings virtual or physical shall be recorded to enable transcription to the Minute Book. Article 6: Elections 1. The inaugural Board of Trustees are Sacha Stone, Lewis Montague, Greg Paul, Michele Joshi, Justin Deschamps, Nancy Ash and Caleb Skinner, all of whom shall hold office for a term of three or six years. Four Inaugural Trustees to be determined by the other In augural Trustees shall sit for 6 years and three Inaugural Trustees to be determined by the other Inaugural Trustees shall sit for three years. All Inaugural Trustees shall have the option to stand for a further three years in accordance with Trustee elections. All Inaugural Trustees will have the option to become Trustees Emeritus, whether they sit for one or two terms. 2. Election of new or returning Trustees will occur every three years at the ordinary meetings