The Sovereign Voice Issue 2 | Page 41

THE VACCINATION EPIDEMIC Parental Rights Getting Shot down Landee Martin Today we live in a world where parental rights and freedoms are under siege. Laws requiring parental consent have long been a part of our legal system. However, within that system, the extraordinary legal scenario has been the one that bypasses parental wishes in order to administer medical treatments deemed in the “best interest of the child.” So if the state believes a child is in danger, they abridge the authority of the parents, and order what they deem necessary medical treatment, such as a blood transfusion, and more recently, chemotherapy for a young teen. But are they taking it too far with forced vaccination laws? This movement away from parental rights is exploding in recent legislation spreading across this nation like an infectious disease. There have been at least 110 bills introduced across 36 states since the sensationalized Disneyland measles story in Los Angeles, CA. Some states introduced Draconian legislation, despite having only 1 measles case. This appears to be an orchestrated attack on our rights. There were only 166 confirmed cases of measles out of 320 million people in the population- some were vaccinated and some were not. Who’s sounding the alarm? There were no deaths due to this outbreak and there have not been any deaths in the US for over 12 years due to the measles. In contrast, preventative medical mistakes are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths annually. Where is the legislation for safer medical practice? Despite the realities of deaths due to medicine and vaccines, and no true health emergency in the US, politicians and their cohorts at Big Pharma, are fast-tracking our rights down the drain. They are lying to the mainstream and blaming the measles outbreak on the unvaccinated population. They are throwing around terms and theories like “herd immunity” to convince the public more need to be vaccinated, when we are actually at an all-time high percentage of vaccinations. In CA, for instance, we have a 96% immunization rate for MMR. That should sufficiently meet the “herd immunity” requirements for this state. Herd immunity is a myth, which can easily be dispelled by documented outbreaks of measles in places like China, who have a 99% vaccination rate. If vaccines were efficacious, outbreaks like this would not be occurring. We currently have a higher percentage of MMR vaccination, both as a state and as a nation(96.1%, 91.9%) than we did when measles was declared “eliminated” by the CDC in 2000(90.5%). If there are increases in outbreaks, it’s clearly due to higher vaccination rates. Every single outbreak has contained both unvaccinated and vaccinated persons. Without a true public health threat and with vaccination rates at an all time high, CA Senators Pan and Allen have introduced senate bill 277, which removes a parent’s right to decline or delay vaccinations for their children due to religious beliefs or personal conscientious objections. It is clear they will go to any length to pass this unnecessary Draconian bill. I personally witnessed the underhanded politics taking place at the capitol during the education com