The Sovereign Voice Issue 2 | Page 57

your Presence Radiates. Radiate pure LOVE and JOY then the world changes to serve you a life full of Love and Joy. Radiate FEAR and the world gives you reasons to be afraid of it. Manifestation of, ‘Government’, a reflection of FEAR. Dear Administrators of Justice, Corporate Policy Officers, and other Agents of Government. You do not enjoy rights that other people do not have. To blindly follow orders is an infection of the Mind. The cure is to use your own built-in sense of morality. I acknowledge that you are in a tough position, and that to stand up for the people, and against the destructive nature of your masters, when the rest of your peers are still hopelessly enslaved, is an extremely difficult task. You may have joined Law Enforcement to protect, but somewhere along the lines you failed to protect yourself from your bosses and allowed them to infect you. Not to judge, as no one is probably completely immune. You do NOT have the right to trick or trap us into Jurisdiction or to expect us to reveal every detail of our private lives while the Government maintains secrecy. If you hired a security guard, an accountant, a cook, and a handyman, would you reveal every element of your privacy or would you expect that in whatever service they are providing to you, they should be ones with transparency? Is this not backwards from most current Governments? If you are unable or unwilling to protect the people from the encroaching predator culture that is Government, then you must dissolve yourself from a position within Government. It is paramount, for the people, for your community, for your friends, for your family and even for YOU, that you end your denial of the truth. Your masters have no ‘teeth’ without you and your peers. Without you, Government is at most a barking chihuahua. TheSovereignVoice.Org