The Sovereign Voice Issue 1 | Page 23

So in other words, the and the could be likened to a donut, where the would be the donut hole, which is consumed far less frequently than the which is the outer ring, (likened to the rings of Saturn, who is known as the ‘ ) which is gluttonously consumed en masse by the masses. So the -teric understanding is the Inner house of wisdom, while the -oteric is the outer shell of false facades, fake masks, lies and bullshit fed to the masses who are -cluded or -communicated, or iled from the of the inner wisdom of the wise-dome of the inner temple, because they are to busy beating around the bush from being fed bullshit by the mainstream institutions. So the prefix is the same as the en prefix, meaning , as in endo-thermic or endocrine, as in “the truth lies you,” as opposed to the Saturn) of the EX, which is the outer, as in o-thermic, or o-skeleton, or the false bullshit of the savior figure that lies outside of you, up in the clouds somewhere. So this is exactly why Holly-Wood and politics will always shows you the character of the two faced liar, the false facade of the fake mask, which is the very calling card of the Jester, the Joker, the Jack, the , the , the politician!! So you may have not-iced by now, that I seem to use unique formula of spelling in order to paint an image of the concept that I am conveying. That is exactly what I am pointing out with this academy, is that letters are pictographs and images, and a single image can paint a 1,000 words, a single symbol contains entire universes of information within it, so words, symbols, numbers, and letters are code that can be de-cyphered, and re-programmed in order to influence our per-cept-ion. This is not about using this knowledge as a form of manipulation. (which has already been done for thousands of years since the ancient times of the Phony Phoenicians who gave us our modern Phonics and Phonectics….. does the phrase ring a bell?) This is about the programming and mind control that been instilled within us for thousands of years via government (govern: Latin- meaning to steer or +ment: Latin- meaning ) regulated institut-ions, and spelling, which is known as or , as in to and us into servitude of the mind by the use of their . So we are actively that by breaking down the very words, symbols, letters, and phonics that have been used to paint or white wash our per-cept-ion of reality. There are many great minds, artists, philosophers and thinkers who have caught on to this through the ages and have left clues and great wisdom for us to see, if we only had the to see it! I go by ‘Made Manifest’ My vision for heading the Syncretics and Esoteric Etymology (SEE) Academy is to share as much information as possible, which can help dissolve boundaries and barriers between our under-standing of each other in order to achieve greater cl-air-ity and thus eliminate the primitive monkey-chatter response of missed-understanding which leads to separation, argue-ment (arguing of the mind) and de-bate (which literally means to ‘beat down to death!’) so that we finally/finale see that every point-of-you is valid when we begin to use a formula to break down walls between commonly cherished ideas, which are usually the dogmatic result of cult-ural programming. If I were to imagine a scenario that sums up my mission, I would liken it to sitting at the command center of a universal information hub, working the switchboard, absorbing data and dishing it out in front of as many faces as possible, sort of like what mainstream media does, sifting out the Truth from the bullshit, whereas they only serve up the fresh steaming platter of bullshit completely distilled from the Truth…I hum-bly and great-fully invite you to join in our journey discovery as we each have a unique per-spec-tive that is valuable beyond measure and we can all con-tribute something special during this great time of Apo-Calypso. Gratitude (great attitude), Love and Wisdom to all. Namaste. TheSovereignVoice.Org