The Sovereign Voice Issue 1 | Page 12

Justin Deschamps & Julian Robles use coercion, threats of violence, in order to compel your consent; fines, imprisonment, sanctions etc. This is a crucial point to understand, and while many people would like to believe we are totally victimized by the cabal, the truth is, our own incompetence and lack of action, gives them our consent. More on this later. Lastly, the creator of the universe needs to be taken into consideration. For some this may seem like woo woo, but our would-be masters acknowledge the existence of a creator (albeit a distorted and fallacious concept of one), and in all honesty, so must we if we want to understand our true place as creditors and grantors of the estate; our freedom of mind, body and soul. These essential ideas must be accepted (at least on the surface) in order for us to understand how the systems on earth work. THE CREATOR CREATURE TRUST & ESTATE The narrative can be summed up as follows: The Creator is within each being in the universe, from small to large, and when free will acts, it is literally an aspect of the creator in operation. The powers that should not be know this deeply, and this can be seen by reviewing the Papal bulls of the Vatican. When the creator ‘sent us forth into the creation to move, breathe and have our being’ we agreed to do the ‘working of god’ and honor ‘his will.’ We were entrusted with a mind, body and soul to do this, creating our ‘temple within’ and help create a harmonious paradise on earth. The powers that be know this, and have described it within their own writings. The covenants of God, within most Abrahamic religions, are an example of this. Papal Bulls assert the Vatican and it’s trustees as the trusted consorts to god, stating until God or the people do otherwise, their rule is divinely ordained; until we dispel their presumption of god given authority. They say: until we ‘come of age’ and realize our purpose, those who have ‘come of age’ are entrusted to share their knowledge and educate us so we can do the great work. If we refuse to do the work, and fall into sin (ignorance of our original trust with god to do his will) a trusted consort to god must come in and manage us till we see the light; the Vatican and it’s agents in this case. Because each person is a powerful embodiment of the creator, if we use our powers unwisely, we can create much chaos in the world. Until we come of age, and begin using our will to create harmony we must be managed like animals and spiritually dead things. While this is a sobering perspective to contemplate, it is in harmony with Natural Law, but the Vatican fails to do what god commands them to do (educate and uplift humanity) and this is a crucial point we will address later. We need only look out into the world to see how this narrative reflects reality. Our world is being destroyed by war, environmental pollution and manipulation via deception of the people. Our world is run like a pirate planet. Where things go horribly wrong is that our ‘consorts to god’ our would-be masters, are in Breach of Trust with god. They are morally obligated to share the truth and uplift us so we can become competent. More on this later. TheSovereignVoice.Org