The Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language.Unconventional. 8th Anniversary Limited Edition | Page 31

THIS EDU IS PART V ('8&$7,21$/ŏ'8$//$1*8$*(ŏ81&219(17,21$/ likeuson SW CHRONICLE EDU© ('8&$7,21$/ŏ '8$//$1*8$*( ŏ 81&219(17,21$/ DICK POE In loving memory to an El Paso legend, a friend and an inspiration. e/i ('8&$7,21$/ŏ'8$//$1*8$*(ŏ81&219(17,21$/ “From sundials to satellites, your sponsorship inspires creativity in our classrooms.” SW CHRONICLE EDU est southw e h t M IA d u s t eat my ©2008 P TTPMM 1 9 91 “Dick Poe Motors, Inc, is proud to be a business partner with Travel The Pass and Southwest Chronicle Edu.” ■ The SWChronicle EDU© TTPMMP Est.1991 Dick Poe Dealerships El Paso Texas Dick Poe Motors, Inc is proud to be a business partner with Travel The Pass and Southwest Chronicle. We have had nothing but good responses to our articles about the Dick Poe Family and their history in El Paso since 1928. We would like to request an increase from 300 copies to 500 for our three locations. People pick them up in our customer waiting rooms all the time. One other comment, if I may, your managing director, Sylvia Gevalia, goes above and beyond in putting the paper together. I am speaking of accuracy, design and layouts. It is a pleasure working with her. Thank you for a great publication. -/HZLV%XUÀWW0DUNHWLQJ'LUHFWRU EDU at SCHOOLS STANDS AT ISDs & SELECT NOURISH THEIR MINDS AND INSPIRE THEIR DREAMS “Become an edu sponsor and make a difference in our community.” SPONSORSHIP 1/4 PAGE AD $250 • 5000 PRINTED ISSUES • 11 ONLINE SITES CITY SITES! ■ SWChronicle EDU© SW Chronicle Edu Our eduStands are placed at various regional school district PDLQ RIÀFH EXLOGLQJV for our educators and at select city sites for our bilingual audience. Plus our online SXEOLFDWLRQVDUHRQÀYHGLJLWDOSODWIRUPV DVZHOO:HDUHWKHÀUVWLQRXU7UL6WDWH7ZR1DWLRQ community to hit the digital pub web with interactive elements. Elements such as video, music, animation, slideshows, chat, subscription and feedback forms are paving ground for this new age, bilingual academic movement. This unique structure is complimented by academic content tailored for every school level from preschool through university graduate programs -plus accredited TEKS classroom lesson plans and Common Core Standards in Texas & New Mexico. -Travel The Pass Mass Media Pinnacle Est.1991 OUR PAST HAS A FUTURE AND IT IS OUR PRESENT© 31