The Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language.Unconventional. 8th Anniversary Limited Edition | Page 19

THE SCHOOL THAT CAN, CAN. BUILT AMID APACHE ATTACKS SW CHRONICLE EDU© ('8&$7,21$/ŏ'8$//$1*8$*(ŏ81&219(17,21$/ clickus TheSouthwestChronicleEdu OUR C I T ■ SWChronicle EDU© The Chieftain • Binged Beauty • Our Past Has A Future And It Is Our Present© Original Article Hillsboro 1877 -For early settlers of Hillsboro, the Apaches provided the primary threat. The miners and settlers were in the middle of Apache hunting grounds. Mickey Monnett wrote in a Password article, ´$VÀHUFHDVWKHJUL]]OLHVDQGDV YLFLRXVO\SURWHFWLYHRIWKHLUULJKWV ZHUH WKH $SDFKHV«WDNLQJ ZKDW WKH\ ZDQWHG DQG NLOOLQJ DQ\RQH ZKRJRWLQWKHLUZD\µ Many unmarked graves of miners caught alone or unaware litter the Black Range Mountains, according to Monnett. In his monograph on Hillsboro, F. Stanley depicted the town as “one devilish, hair raising, gun toting wild spot on the map.” Monnett noted that outlaws such as Butch Cassidy, the Kingston Gang and the Farmington Gang - “operated in this area.” The miners remained undeterred; by 1878, the town had a population of 250. By 1882, that number had grown WR  7KH WRZQ·V SRVW RIÀFH opened in 1879 and has never closed. The history of the Hilsboro Public School affords a notable example of the devotion to the cause of education which is one of the noblest characteristics of the American people. The discovery of the gold mines in 1878 started the town and during the next year, a school was started by subscription. The country at this period was being continually raided by the Apaches, and some of the ladies still residing at Hillsboro have gone through thrilling experiences of fright and danger. Under such - circumstances it would not have been surprising if the children had been left to gather knowledge as best they could, but a school was organized in 1879 and Mrs. Vaughn a present resident of the Mimbres Valley, was engaged as teacher. The gold diggers generously responded to the call upon them on behalf of the community youngsters. The community increased and in 1881 a school district was organized and the directors proceeded to build a adobe schoolhouse. The building which still endures, a monument to the enterprise and generosity of the early settlers, cost $1200, and of this amount $800 was secured by voluntary subscription. This was WKH ÀUVW SXEOLF VFKRROKRXVH EXLOW in New Mexico. -END “What a school day! The computers broke down and we had to read!” BILLY STEPS OUT IN STYLE ■ SWChronicle EDU© The Chieftain • Binged Beauty • Our Past Has A Future And It Is Our Present© Billy The Kid November 23, 1859 -Born in a poor Irish neighborhood on New York City’s East Side. Before he was shot dead at age 21, Billy reputedly killed 27 people in the American West. Billy the Kid called himself William H. Bonney, but his original name was probably Henry McCarty. Bonney was his mother Catherine’s maiden QDPHDQG:LOOLDPZDVWKHÀUVWQDPHRIKLV 5%t