The South Barrow Bulletin 2014 23/02/2014 | Page 5

ARE YOU SITTING UNCOMFORTABLY? Well, you can do something about it! St George’s is the most historic church in Barrow and has hosted milestone events in the lives of individuals (such as baptisms, weddings and funerals), and the wider community for over 150 years. To help ensure St George’s remains a place of welcome we would like to place pew cushions in all the pews - which would also provide added comfort! The cost of the pew cushions vary from £75 to £100 per pew and we have 48 pews of differing sizes - thus, it may be some time before the whole building has pew cushions! However, we need to begin somewhere and it has been suggested that individuals or households may sponsor a cushion or contribute towards the cost of one - perhaps in memory of a loved one or simply as a gift towards ensuring that St. George’s Church is as welcoming as possible. A sample/segment of a pew cushion is available in church today - if you would like to make a donation towards the cost of a pew cushion, please pick up one of the special envelopes available at the back of church, and return this as soon as you are able to do so. If you pay income tax you may wish to consider gift-aiding your donation. Thank you! ASH WEDNESDAY - 5th March Holy Communion in South Barrow 10am - St. Aidan’s Hall with Revd Jo Northey 7.30pm - St George’s Church with Revd Gary Cregeen