Why not join one of our four planned Lent Groups?
Two of the groups will provide an opportunity to brush up on the
basics of what it means to be a Christian and to reflect on your own
journey of faith, and two groups will focus on St. Luke’s Gospel.
‘Looking at Luke’
Tuesday - 8pm to 9.30pm - 65 Greengate Street
Wednesday - 7.30pm to 9pm - The Vicarage, 98a Roose Road
Matt and Caroline Hornby will be leading these meetings.
‘Simply Christianity’
Wednesday - 7.30pm to 9pm - The Rectory, 98 Roose Road
Thursday - 2pm to 3pm - St. George’s Hall
‘Simply Christianity’ will be led by Gary Cregeen and Jo Northey in a
relaxed and informative way.
Full details can be found in March’s Team Talk.
NEXT SUNDAY - 23rd March 2014
9.30am - St. Aidan’s - Holy Communion
with Alison Otto and Revd. Jo Northey
Sermon by Revd. Matt Hornby
10.30am - St. George’s - Holy Communion
with Ted Fenton and Revd. Gary Cregeen
Sermon by Revd. Matt Hornby
11am - St. Perran’s - Morning Worship with A. Jones