The South Barrow Bulletin 2014 09/03/2014 | Page 3
Amos 8: 1-6
I had another vision from the Sovereign LORD. In it I saw a basket of
fruit. The LORD asked, “Amos, what do you see?”
“A basket of fruit,” I answered.
The LORD said to me, “The end has come for my people Israel. I will
not change my mind again about punishing them. On that day the
songs in the palace will become cries of mourning. There will be
dead bodies everywhere. They will be cast out in silence.”
Listen to this, you that trample on the needy and try to destroy the
poor of the country. You say to yourselves, “We can hardly wait for
the holy days to be over so that we can sell our grain. When will the
Sabbath end, so that we can start selling again? Then we can
overcharge, use false measures, and fix the scales to cheat our
customers. We can sell worthless wheat at a high price. We'll find
someone poor who can't pay his debts, not even the price of a pair
of sandals, and we'll buy him as a slave.”
Luke 19: 1-10
Jesus went on into Jericho and was passing through. There was a chief
tax collector there named Zacchaeus, who was rich. He was trying to
see who Jesus was, but he was a little man and could not see Jesus
because of the crowd. So he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a
sycamore tree to see Jesus, who was going to pass that way. When
Jesus came to that place, he looked up and said to Zacchaeus, “Hurry
down, Zacchaeus, because I must stay in your house today.”
Zacchaeus hurried down and welcomed him with great joy. All the
people who saw it started grumbling, “This man has gone as a guest
to the home of a sinner!”
Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Listen, sir! I will give half my
belongings to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone, I will pay back
four times as much.”
Jesus said to him, “Salvation has come to this house today, for this
man, also, is a descendant of Abraham. The Son of Man came to seek
and to save the lost.”