The South Barrow Bulletin 2014 09/02/2014 | Page 4
Genesis 9: 1-7
God blessed Noah and
his sons and said,
“Have many children,
so that your
descendants will live
all over the earth.
All the animals, birds,
and fish will live in fear
of you. They are all
placed under your
Now you can eat them,
as well as green plants;
I give them all to you
for food.
The one thing you
must not eat is meat
with blood still in it; I
forbid this because the
life is in the blood.
If anyone takes human
life, he will be
punished. I will punish
with death any animal
that takes a human
Human beings were
made like God, so
whoever murders one
of them will be killed
by someone else.
“You must have many
children, so that your
descendants will live
all over the earth.”
Matthew 5: 21-26
“You have heard that
people were told in
the past, ‘Do not
commit murder;
anyone who does will
be brought to trial.’
But now I tell you: if
you are angry with
your brother, you will
be brought to trial, if
you call your brother
‘You good-fornothing!’ you will be
brought before the
Council, and if you call
your brother a
worthless fool you will
be in danger of going
to the fire of hell.
So if you are about to
offer your gift to God
at the altar and there
you remember that
your brother has
something against
you, leave your gift
there in front of the
altar, go at once and
make peace with your
brother, and then
come back and offer
your gift to God.
“If someone brings a
lawsuit against you
and takes you to court,
settle the dispute
while there is time,
before you get to
Once you are there,
you will be turned over
to the judge, who will
hand you over to the
police, and you will be
put in jail.
There you will stay, I
tell you, until you pay
the last penny of your
Hymns Old and
425 - Praise the Lord,
ye heaven s adore Him
141 - Forgive our sins
328 - Make me a
334 - May the mind of