The Source Arts Centre Programme of Events Spring 2020 The Source Arts Centre Programme SPRING 2020 | Page 19
Farmer Michael and Kathleen
Saturday 14 March
The King and Queen of farming satire arrive in Thurles.
Enjoy a night out with Farmer Michael and his long-suffering
wife Kathleen as they discuss world affairs and matters closer
to home.
After only three years on the comedy scene, the duo
Stevo and Sinéad have gathered a following of more
than 500,000 people worldwide and over 100 million
views on the web for some of their individual sketches.
And, they've sold out shows all over Ireland and the UK
and also collaborated with Official Rugby World Cup.
As featured on: RTE, TV3's Six O Clock Show, CNN, FOX
and SKY TV.
TiME 8 pM pricE: €22.50
is rattled by an investigation into the
disappearance of a stranger seen in
the area three months earlier.
Flamboyant private investigator
Sinclair (Alfredo Castro) rolls into
town – in one of the film’s many nods
to the western – to find out what has
happened and in the process lifts the
veneer of respectability under which
Claudio, like many of the town’s great
and good, operates.
Wednesday 18 March
There is a sense of menace underpinning
Argentine director Benjamín Naishtat’s brilliant
third feature. The film’s narrative, set in
provincial Argentina in the mid-1970s, just
before the military coup, concerns small-town
lawyer Claudio (Darío Grandinetti), an ostensibly
decent, law-abiding citizen, whose cool exterior
This is a disarming allegory about
middle-class society turning a blind eye to the
excesses committed in the name of so-called
peace and stability.
Winner, Best Director, San Sebastián
International Film Festival 2018
dir. BEnjaMín naiShTaT arGEnTina, Brazil,
FrancE, nEThErlandS, GErMany, BElGiuM,
SWiTzErland, 2018, 109 Min
TiME: 8 pM pricE: €9/5
Box Office: 0504 90204