The Source 2022 | Page 26

civic groups

Civic Group Listings

Disabled American Veterns ( DAV ) — Wapello Chapter 1 , 413 S . Iowa Ave ., 1515 Steller Ave ., Ottumwa , 641-684-6373 , www . davmembersportal . org . Meetings are held the third Sunday of the month .
Eddyville American Legion ( JL & ED Linderman ), 207 Walnut St ., Eddyville ., Eddyville American Legion on Facebook .
Eldon American Legion ( Feye-En-Heye ), 1 K D Ave ., Eldon , 641-684-9266 .
Empire Lodge # 269 AF & AM of Iowa , 921 Church St ., Ottumwa . Empire Lodge # 269 AF & AM of Iowa on Facebook .
Knights of Columbus-Club 888 , 123 W . Third St ., Ottumwa , 641-582-5695 , www . kofc . org , Knights of Columbus-Club 888 on Facebook .
Ottumwa American Legion ( OB Nelson ), 550 W . Main St ., 641- 682-5232 , http :// legion . org , American Legion on Facebook .
Ottumwa Eagles — Fraternal Order of the Eagles , # 114 , 109 S . Green St ., 641-682-3957 , Ottumwa Eagles – FOE on Facebook .
Ottumwa Elks Lodge # 347 , 413 S Iowa Ave ., 641-684-6549 , www . elks . org / lodges / contactus . cfm , Ottumwa Elks Lodge # 347 on Facebook . Meets first and third Mondays , except July , August and December , then third Monday only .
Ottumwa Hy-Noon Kiwanis , P . O . Box 1111 , Ottumwa , www . ottumwakiwanis . wix . com / communityevents , Ottumwa Hy-Noon Kiwanis on Facebook . Meets at noon Tuesdays in Fox & Sac Room , Hotel Ottumwa .
Ottumwa Masonic Lodge 16 Af & AM , 611 E . Pennsylvania Ave ., 641-682-9506 , www . msana . com , Ottumwa Masonic Lodge 16 Af & AM on Facebook .
Ottumwa Morning Kiwanis , P . O . Box 1063 , Ottumwa , www . ottumwakiwanis . wix . com / communityevents , Ottumwa Morning and Hy-Noon Kiwanis on Facebook . Meets at 8 a . m . first and third Thursdays of the month in the Ottumwa Regional Health Center cafeteria .
Ottumwa Noon Lions , www . minimendy . wixsite . com / ottumwanoonlions , ottumwa12lions @ gmail . com , Ottumwa Noon Lions Club on Facebook . Meets at noon on Wednesdays at Hotel Ottumwa .
Ottumwa Veterans of Foreign Wars , 702 W . Main St ., 641-682-9678 , https :// www . vfw . org , Veterans of Foreign Wars on Facebook .
Rotary Club of Ottumwa , https :// portal . clubrunner . ca /, Rotary Club of Ottumwa on Facebook . Meets at 12:10 p . m . Mondays at Hotel Ottumwa .
United Way of Wapello County , 224 E . Second St . # 1 , 641-682-1264 , www . wapellocouw . org , uwwc @ wapellocouw . org , United Way of Wapello County on Facebook .
Vietnam Veterans # 667 , P . O . Box 681 , Ottumwa , 641-208-0606 , https :// vva . org / chapter / vva-chapter-667 .
AARP Chapter 3677 , 601 E . St . NW , Washington , D . C . 20049 , 1-888-687-2277 , IAAARP @ aarp . org , local . aarp . org / ottumwa-ia . AARP Iow , 600 E . Court Ave ., Suite 100 , Des Moines , 50309 , 866-554-5378 , ia @ aarp . org .
American Home Finding Association , 217 E . Fifth St ., 641-682-3449 , www . ahfa . org , American Home Finding Association on Facebook .
Blessings Soup Kitchen , 228 E . Main St ., 641-777-7997 , Blessings Soup Kitchen on Facebook .
Eddyville Historical Museum , 705 Main St ., Eddyville , 641-969-4208 , eddyvillemuseum @ gmail . com , Eddyville Historical Museum on Facebook . Annual membership meeting in
April . The museum will be closed until completion and move into the new building .
First Resources Corporation , 710 Gateway Drive , Ottumwa , 641-682-8114 , www . firstresources . us , chat @ firstresources . us
Four Oaks Family and Children ' s Services , 801 N . Quincy Ave . # 5 , 641-814-5100 , https :// www . fouroaks . org .
Gothic Area Tourism of Eldon ( GATE ), 421 W . Elm St ., Eldon , 641-799-2371 , scoulter807 @ gmail . com , GATE on Facebook .
Izaak Walton League , 11077 90th St , Ottumwa , IA 52501 , 641-682-8610 , ottiwla @ pcsia . net , www . iwla . org / ottumwa .
League of United Latin American Citizens ( LULAC ) Council # 377 , Edith Cabrera-Tello , president , 641-451-5533 , lulac377 . ottumwa @ gmail . com , https :// lulac . org .
Milestones Area Agency on Aging , 623 E . Pennsylvania Ave ., Ottumwa , IA 52501 , 641-682-2270 or 855-410-6222 , www . milestonesaaa . org , Milestones Area Agency on Facebook . Joan Nydle direct line 641-684- 1016 , Jnydle @ milestonesaaa . org .
Ottumwa Civil War Round Table , meets 6 p . m . third Thursday of the month at Hotel Ottumwa .
Ottumwa Coin Club , meets at 7 p . m . the fourth Tuesday of the month at Albia Road Baptist Church .
Ottumwa Community Players , PO Box 763 , 515-999-5697 , theatre52501 @ outlook . com , www . ottumwacommunityplayers . com , Ottumwa Community Players on Facebook .
Ottumwa Mid-Day Connection , meets 11:30 a . m . second Monday of the month at Hotel Ottumwa . Contact Julie Rice at 641-455-4883 jdrice03 @ msn . com for reservations .
Ottumwa Public Library , 102 W . Fourth St ., 641-682-7563 , https :// blog . ottumwapubliclibrary . org . Ottumwa Public Library on Facebook . The library hosts a wide variety of children ’ s and family programs and activities outside pandemic times .
Ottumwa Quilters Guild , P . O . Box 194 , Ottumwa , Ottumwa Quilters Guild on Facebook . Dues are $ 25 per year .
Ottumwa Symphony Orchestra , PO Box 173 , ​Ottumwa , www . ottumwasymphonyorchestra . net , Ottumwa Symphony Orchestra on Facebook .. Tickets to different events can be purchased online or calling Kim Ardueser at 641-777-7788 .
Ottumwa Toastmasters # 663 , https :// 663 . toastmastersclubs . org , Ottumwa Toastmasters # 663 on Facebook , meets 6-7 p . m . on the second and fourth Thursday of each month using Zoom invite . Ottumwa . Club is open to anyone 18 years or older .
Ottumwa Women ' s Club , meets at noon second Tuesday of the month from September to May ( except January ) at Hotel Ottumwa unless otherwise announced ; call Ila Fox at 641-684-6045 . Follow local media for meeting announcements due to pandemic .
Red Hat Society , www . redhatsociety . com . Sieda Community Action , 725 W . Second St ., 641-682-8741 , www . sieda . org , Sieda Community Action on Facebook .
Wapello County Conservation Board , https :// conservation . wapellocounty . org /, 1339 Highway 63 Bloomfield , IA 52537 , 641- 682-3091 , pioneerridge @ wapellocounty . org .
Wapello County Democrats , 641-680- 3260 , https :// wapellocountydems . org , wapellocountydems @ gmail . com , Wapello County Democrats on Facebook . Meets at 7 p . m . the third Thursday of the month at 1305 E . Mary St ., Ottumwa .
Wapello County Genealogy Society , 102 E . Main St ., PO Box 163 , info @ wapellocountygs . com , www . wapellocountygs . com /, Wapello County Genealogical Society on Facebook . Meetings are held at 10:30 a . m . the second Wednesday of each month unless posted otherwise . Regular hours are noon to 3:30 p . m . Wednesday through Friday and by appointment .
Wapello County Historical Society & Museum , 700 Farm Credit Drive , Ottumwa , 641-682-8676 , www . wapellocountymuseum . com , Wapello County Historical Museum on Facebook . Currently closed for relocation . Hours are noon to 4 p . m . Wednesdays through Saturdays .
Wapello County Master Gardeners , 13011 120th Ave ., Ottumwa , 641-682-5491 , www . extension . iastate . edu / wapello . Jen Lamos , coordinator , jenlamos @ iowastate . edu .
Wapello County Republican Party , P . O . Box 851 , Ottumwa , 641-680-6060 , https :// wapellocountygop . nationbuilder . com , Wapello County Republican Party on Facebook . No physical office during non-election year .
Whatsoever You Do , Inc ., 105 S . Iowa Ave ., Ottumwa , 641-226-7684 , Whatsoever You Do Inc . on Facebook .
American Heritage Girls Ottumwa Troop IA2206 , Christ ’ s Church , 12627 Co . Hwy J12 , Ottumwa , 52501 , 513-71-2025 , American Heritage Girls- Ottumwa on Facebook .
Boy Scouts of America , Mid-Iowa Council 177 , www . midiowacouncilbsa . org
• Cub Scouts Pack 2 , First Presbyterian Church , 228 W . Fourth St ., Ottumwa , contact Shelley Morgan , 641-814-2301 or shelleymorgan @ mchsi . com . Meetings are 5:30 p . m . Mondays at First Presbyterian Church .
• Scouts BSA Troop 2 , First Presbyterian Church , 228 W . Fourth St . Contact Ronald Langgin at 641-680-6521 or langr @ mchsi . com .
• Scouts BSA Troop 219 ( girl troop ), First
Presbyterian Church , 228 W . Fourth St .. Contact is Angela Massey , 641-814-2483 or girlspathtoeagle @ gmail . com .
• BSA Troop 11 , Grace Fellowship .
• Venturing Crew 11 , Grace Fellowship .
• Cub Scouts Pack 65 Grace Fellowship , 50 Traxler Drive , Ottumwa . Contact Jennifer Sexton , 641-777-4733 , mulcahy13 @ gmail . com . Meetings are 6:30 p . m . Tuesdays at Liberty Elementary .
• Cub Scout Pack 22 , American Gothic Trail , Eldon .
• Scouts BSA Troop 22 , American Gothic Trail , Eldon .
Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa Des Moines Leadership Center , 10715 Hickman Road , Des Moines , Iowa 50322 , http :// www . girlscoutsiowa . org /
• Girl Scouts Service Unit 570 includes Ottumwa , Cardinal schools and Pekin schools ; Girl Scouts - Ottumwa , Iowa Facebook
Legacy Youth Alliance , 111 E . Main St , Ottumwa , 641-455-5260 , http :// www . orlf . org . Overseen by Ottumwa Regional Legacy Foundation .
Ottumwa Community Children ’ s Playhouse , performances at Bridge View Center , P . O . Box 1675 , Ottumwa , OCCP on Facebook , theatre52501 @ outlook . com
Wapello County 4-H , contact County Youth Coordinator Cindy Emery at 641-682-5491 , 13011 120th Ave ., Ottumwa , https :// www . extension . iastate . edu / wapello /; Iowa 4-H : Wapello County on Facebook .
Wapello County Republican Youth Committee , 641-799-0460 , Wapello County Republican Youth on Facebook . The club involves teenagers in community service , political and fundraising projects .


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26 The Source . 2022