table of contents
4 | County Profile
Wapello County ' s demographics and trends . answers to the most frequently asked questions about Wapello County .
6 | Schools , Studies & Libraries
Schools and other educational opportunities in Wapello County .
10 | Leaders & Lawmakers
Officers , elected officials and others who run local government .
16 | Economic Scene
Businesses and industries , jobs and development in Wapello County .
19 | History & Heritage
How it began , how it is being preserved and new initiatives
22 | Natural Resources & Recreation
the woods , water , wildlife and where to go and what to do for fun .
26 | Clubs & Groups
Civic , veteran , cultural , youth and other local groups and organizations .
27 | Health & Well-being
Where to go for care in Wapello County .
28 | How & Where
Getting building permits , renewing a driver ’ s license , adopting a pet — it ’ s all here .
30 | Resources Directory
a guide to services in Wapello County .
An Ottumwa Courier Publication
Volume 6 | 2022
Publisher ron Gutierrez
Editor Kyle ocker
Associate Editor emily Hawk
Reporter Chad Drury
Advertising Sales Jodi German tyler Goodell liz techel
Graphic Design Stephen peters Shanelle yahn
Cover photo by Chad Drury from the Greater ottumwa rodeo on July 3 , 2021 .
Inside photos are a compilation of Ottumwa Courier file photos
the Source is a publication of the ottumwa Courier , 213 e . Second St . ottumwa , Iowa 52501 641-684-4611 news @ ottumwacourier . com
the source staff
Ron Gutierrez publisher |
Kyle Ocker editor |
Emily Hawk associate editor |
Chad Drury reporter |
Jodi German advertising |
Tyler Goodell advertising |
Liz Techel advertising |
The Source . 2022 3 |