aiRPoRt aDvisoRy boaRD 5 members elected to 3-year terms meetings : Fourth tuesday of each month at 1:30 p . m . at airport terminal building . Dan Quinn brian Hammack Linda vogt Don Wasson ( chair ) tom Hull
cemeteRy tRustees 7 members elected to 7-year terms meetings : First Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a . m . at city Hall theresa ( terri ) Frimml Roger Hemmings William Hansen constance Lewis Robert snell John Hunolt ( chair ) connie millard
civiL seRvice commission 3 members elected to 4-year terms meetings as called by the chairman ann youngman amy gardner xavier Wilson ( chair )
HistoRic PReseRvation comm 5 members elected to 3-year terms meetings : Fourth Wednesday of each
month at 7 p . m . at city Hall . Wes olson Dennis Willhoit ( chair ) vacant Robert swanson vacant |
insPection boaRD oF RevieW 5 members elected to 5-year terms meetings as called by the chairman mary ann Reiter ( chair ) Dale Person mark merringer bob mcDowell tom maher |
boaRD oF LibRaRy tRustees 5 members ( 1 non-city ) elected to 6-year terms meetings : second monday of each month at 5 p . m . at 102 W . Fourth st . Joyce Kramer ( chair ) Leann Lemberger Patricia essick Jo Rohach michael carpenter
ottumWa Housing autHoRity 5 members elected to 2-year terms meetings : Last monday of each month at 2 p . m . at the ottumwa Housing authority office , 935 W . main st .
ann youngman edward Lewis mike sammons Leisa Walker ( chair ) mark Hanson
ottumWa PubLic saFety aDvisoRy committee 5 members elected to 3-year terms meetings as needed , fourth monday of each month at 10 a . m . at the Wapello county Law enforcement center shirley gingrich-slonaker Larry Jackson James R . Jackson ( chair ) sandy tiegs John swarney
PaRKs aDvisoRy boaRD 5 members elected to 5-year terms meetings : second tuesday of each month at 4:30 p . m . at city Hall . Wesley Konrad sarah sels Kim Hellige Landon allen David cecil ( chair )
PLan anD Zoning commission 9 members elected to 5-year terms meetings : First monday of each month at 7 p . m . at city Hall
Rick mcFarland chuck manson ( chair ) Debra Hutton Kossi David bossou ashley noreuil Peg Lazio michael mcDonough marilyn Watts Donald Krieger Lorri swarney
WateRWoRKs boaRD oF tRustees 5 members ( city residents ) elected to 6-year terms meetings : third tuesday of each month at 4 p . m . at 310 s . Wapello st . bill Hoffman xavier Wilson ( chair ) madonna Fisher chuck manson Keith caviness
Zoning boaRD oF aDJustment 5 members elected to 5-year terms meetings : second Wednesday of each month at 11 a . m . at city Hall . Ryan mitchell ( chair ) John Hendrix cathern Weilbrenner carolee Kern John ohlinger