5 The Society of Children ’ s Books & Illustration Lovers – Newsletter # 1 – August 2013
There is more information about his creative process on the video posted on our meetup group ’ s page . You can also watch it here :
http :// vimeo . com / 13876820
You can write him a letter or send him an email . He ’ ll respond when / if he can !:
Oliver Jeffers , 51 Bergen Street , Brooklyn , NY 11201 , USA . hello @ oliverjeffers . com
His website has a whole lot of resources for teachers and parents free to download : www . oliverjeffers . com
And then , there is www . oliverjeffersworld . com with lots of fun games using his most wonderful characters . Check it out !
5 http :// www . meetup . com / The-Society-of-Childrens-books-and-illustration-lovers /