The Power of the Budget
Andrew Carnegies bio on You Tube saved my financial rear end. I learned
how to budget from him and how to make better financial decisions from
Bob Proctor, Jim Rohn, T. Harv Eker and many others. Have a financial
mentor that can teach you how to succeed financially.
Some people chronically overspend while others budget their resources to
achieve something important.
There are those who see failures as challenges and opportunities and there
are those that take failures personally and find something else to do that is
easier. The lesson to be learned won’t go away, it will hang around you
until you can man or woman up and face that lesson head-on.
Wisdom is learned from mistakes made and not repeated. I was a little slow
on this one until I got fed up with the same wrong results. The type of
results I wanted determined what my actions would be.
George Odiorne said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. Every
one of the financial results you seek are measurable. If you don’t like the
results – improve your actions and re-measure.