The Silicon Review - Best Business Review Magazine 10 Best IT Services Companies 2019 | Page 26
Leading Platform for Open Data: Data61
s part of the National
Innovation and Science
Agenda, Data61 is working
with Australian government
agencies on R&D projects that
aim to increase the number and
availability of high-value datasets
between government agencies, and
to the public. The projects under the
Platforms for Open Data program
• facilitate more use of public
data by providing better search
and discovery
• make more high-value datasets
available ensuring a high level
of privacy protection
• lead the use of public data by
performing advanced analytics
on data
These projects use an iterative
approach to develop new
technologies based on the needs of
the partner agency, ensuring that
the technologies are applicable
across multiple agencies. The end
goal is to use these technologies to
make more high-value government
data available to more people while
preserving privacy.
Data61’s Values
When Data61 was formed, a core
set of values was defined. The
aim of these values is to shape the
day-to-day behaviors and mindset
at Data61, allowing the company
to do the best work. Its values act
as the guiding principle for the
way it interacts with each other, its
stakeholders and shape its culture
and brand.
Great Impact: The company
focuses its valuable resources on
areas where it can lead globally and
march 2019
have a large impact on Australia,
to aid its future prosperity and
Mastery: Data61 is fearless,
curious, and it improves every
day. It strives to excel in research,
technology, and business, and to
work with the best in the world.
Co-Creation of Value:
Everything it does involves co-
creation with its network: team,
customers, and partners. Generously
empowering their success is central
to its success.
Ownership of Results: The
company jointly holds itself
accountable for its actions. It does
this via trust and commitment.
People and their Differences:
The firm embraces the creativity
that comes from the diversity of its
Agility and Flexibility: Data61
views the changing world as an
opportunity. This requires agility
and flexibility in everything it does;
everything changes, except its
constant desire to adapt.
Tell it Straight, with Respect:
The company says what it means,
means what it says, and does not
mislead, obfuscate, or spin. It is
direct and always respectful.
Data61’s Programs
Analytics: Data61 turns big,
complex data sets into knowledge. It
works with hospitals, environmental
managers, banks, scientists, and
many others to help add insight and
understanding to their data. That’s
because collecting the data is only
the beginning. It’s what happens
next where the real value is created.
Analytics is about seeing patterns,
adding insight and understanding
the world in new ways. It is about
seeing further, understanding
deeper and seeing consistency in
patterns that were hidden by noise
and chaos. There has never been
more opportunity for organizations
small and large to use the power
of computing and leverage the
exponential growth in data. It’s the
reason the company is in demand
from both business and government.
Cyber-physical systems:
Cyber-physical systems are the
connection of digital devices to the
physical environment. The company
has built biosensors to monitor
oyster health, systems that collect
and monitor real-time agricultural
data, driverless vehicles for
hazardous situations, and drones for
environmental monitoring.
In the process, Data61 has made
sensing accurate, robust, and secure,
learned how to collect, store, and
distribute data efficiently and
reliably, developed highly accurate,
fast, and ubiquitous 3D world
mapping with multisensory data
(3D++); and also, augmented human
capabilities through wearable
sensors and robotic co-workers.
National Digital Challenge:
Data and emerging digital
technologies will play a pivotal role
in the transformations that are
required in society, the economy