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How Genetic Modification and
Biotechnology Have Evolved
Over the Years
enetic modification has
been done by mankind since
thousands of years from now.
Genetic modification, also known
as genetic engineering, began when
humans first started to domesticate
organisms. Initially accomplished
by Herbert Boyer and Stanley
Cohen in 1972, genetic modification
occurred as a result of a series of
developments in techniques that
enabled the genome to be directly
manipulated. It was achieved by
years and years of controlled and
artificial selection of plants and
animals. According to certain
evidences dating back to 12,000
BC, dogs were the first animals to
be domesticated that are believed
to have evolved from the common
ancestor of the grey wolf. Such
march 2019
evidences also state that animals
including cats, sheep, cattle, pigs
were domesticated somewhere
around the 9000 and 8000 BC.
However, the eight Neolithic founder
crops had already appeared by
about 7000 BC. Emmer wheat,
einkorn wheat, barley, peas, lentils,
bitter vetch, chick peas and flax are
referred to as the eight Neolithic
founder crops domesticated by early
Holocene farming communities
which later set the foundation for
systematic agriculture in the Middle
East, India, Persia, North Africa
and Europe. Done indirectly for
thousands of years by controlled
and selective breeding of plants
and animals, genetic modification
now has a better approach due to
the modern day biotechnology. It is
now simpler and quicker to target
a specific gene for more precise
alteration of the organism through
genetic engineering.
Genetically Modifying
Crops for Food
Production and Other
Genetically modified crops will
have an essential role in protecting
the world’s food supply as climate
changes take adverse turns.
Climate changes and crop diseases
make it increasingly difficult to
feed the world. Biotech crops will
ensure that there’s enough to eat.
Genetically modifying crops can be