The Silicon Review - Best Business Review Magazine 10 Best IT Services Companies 2019 | Page 21
telkomsigma operates an
Information Security Management
System which complies with
the requirements of CSA STAR
Certification 2013 and achieved
Certification for the provision of
IT operation management services
to support IaaS cloud computing
Financial & Banking
telkomsigma provide solutions to
answer one’s needs to stay up to
date with changing regulations,
deliver customers’ demands for
modern financial and banking
services while also improving the
business process with an integrated
and automated system.
IT Consulting Services &
System Integration
telkomsigma has realized the
interest of companies to utilize IT
in their business process, therefore
it has collaborated with leading
world-class technology partners to
provide IT Consulting and System
Integration in Enterprise Business
Solution (EBS) and Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) solutions,
which generating an improving
workflow and increasing efficiency
to business process of its clients.
Data Center Solutions
Disaster Recovery Services: In
disaster-prone areas like Indonesia,
business is often challenged with
unanticipated situations, such as
earthquakes or great floods. For
companies that need high data
security, they will need a reliable
and trustworthy IT infrastructure
and data recovery system to
anticipate the unexpected. DRS
helpits customers manage their
non-core functions under the
outsourcing scheme.
DRS support the operational
viability of a company’s IT system
with a range of services, including
provision and operation of data
center backup infrastructure,
communication networks, and
implementation of testing/periodic
simulation. With its DRS solution,
it helps clients address some of the
IT issues as well as cost concern for
additional maintenance effort and
enabling them to focus on the core
Server/Machine Room: The
company provides server rooms
that are separated from the working
room. Its server rooms are located
inside a high-security area with
limited access. Its facilities also
include 24-hour security guards
on patrol, server rooms can only
be accessed via proximity and
biometric security system. Each
room is also equipped with CCTV
which monitors and records the
area all the time.
The server room is designed with
a Water Leak Detection System
to protect equipment from any
liquids. The server room is equipped
with a raised floor up to 60cm,
Automatic Fire Suppression System
(Novec), VESDA (Very Early Smoke
Detection Apparatus), temperature
and moisture control system
with N+1configuration. The room
will be maintained with 19 – 25
degree Celsius and 40% – 60%
humidity. Power supplies for all
the IT Equipment are supported
by redundant UPS (with N+1 or
2N configuration) and redundant
electricity generator (with N+1
configuration). UPS backup battery
is up to 30 minutes.
To protect from electrical noise,
the power cable is placed under
the raised floor while data cable is
placed overhead. Fiber optic cable
tray is separated from copper cable
tray. On shared data center users,
the server placements were planned
in such a way as to gain maximum
efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
However, for companies that
prioritized privacy, it also provides
dedicated rooms.
Working Room: With more than
15 years of experience in managing
the data center, telkomsigma fully
understands the client’s needs
and the requirement for the room
and facilities. For customers’ IT
operation people and end users,
telkomsigma provides working
rooms which are connected to the
servers. Customers can choose
dedicated or shared working rooms
to suit their needs.
Dedicated working rooms, provided
for a minimum of 5 persons,
is specifically designed to the
customers’ requirements and can be
used at any time. To accommodate
customers who need the working
room occasionally, such as for BCP
room, telkomsigma provides a
shared working room. The room is
shared with other customers and
can be used for 4 working days a
year or twice a year.
The working rooms are equipped
Building Air Conditioning
during work days
Portable Fire Extinguisher
CCTV Camera and Access
control using proximity card
Office furniture, such as desks,
chairs, printer, fax machine
PSTN line Telephone
Cable connection to the server
Desktop PC, including OS, MS
Office, Antivirus (optional)
Communication Link: telkomsigma
Data Center is open to all telco
service providers. Both national
and international telco providers
are currently available in its data
centers, i.e. Telkom, Lintasarta,
ICON+, XL, CSM, Indosat, Indonet,
Biznet, NAP Info, Primacom, First
Media, Singtel, Orange, and KDDI.
MARCH 2019