The Shushan Post Special Edition | Page 4

Today' Featured Servant: Heggai the Harem Keeper

A Shushan Post Original

The Real Inside Story of What

Goes on Within The Women's Harem - Heggai Uncovers It All!

Me: Today, I am here with Mr. Heggai, the keeper of the king's harem. Hello, Mr. Heggai.

Heggai: Hello!

Me: Hello. So it seems that you are the one who oversees everything that goes in the harem concerning all of the young maidens who are in the running to be the king's new wife. What is that like?

Heggai: Well, it's not easy! I have to deal with hundreds of girls every day! Almost all of them are spoiled young princesses who are used to getting everything they want, just like Vashti was.

Me: Is that the kind of wife that the king is looking for?

Heggai: Absolutely not! He wants a complaisant girl who will docilely follow his every wish and command. Some of these girls think they know better than I! They're wrong. Yeesh. Achashverosh is never gonna find a wife! All these girls are brats.

Me: So have you met a girl you like?

Heggai: No! Although I did see a shy little quiet one today...who knows? Maybe I will like her. I do favors for those I like...

Me: Favoritism??

Heggai: Maybe! On that note, I must go.

Me: Oh ok.. Well thanks for being here!