The Shoreline'14 April, 2014 | Page 60

58 to one conniving gray block inmate. The bigger problem was that the official website was not ready and without this, the fest would lose outstation participation. Time was running out, but the technical coordinator was in no hurry. The story of Engineer 2013 begins in the early summer of ‘13. The transfer of power in the tech clubs and the Students’ Council elections empowered a handful of NITKians to form the core team of South India’s Second Biggest Technical Fest. Full of enthusiasm and with an over-the-top plan for the fest, the team went into the summer vacation after only one core meet hoping someone will get the work done. Mid-summer, with almost no progress in marketing and with barely any interaction amongst the core members, the team went on a rather optimistic endeavor, to invite Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam as the chief guest for the inauguration of the fest. Acquiring sponsorships would have been a breeze if this had fallen into place but Dr Kalam was unfortunately too busy to accommodate the fest in his schedule. After a few mails were exchanged and a few calls were made to potential sponsors, summer came to an end; a new semester in NITK started and the core had no clue about the uphill climb that they faced. All anyone could think of in the first few weeks of the semester was placements and the number of people working for the fest was reduced to a single digit. It was about now that the Con called on some expert advice from someone who later went on to be the chairman of the fest. Calm and composed, filled with experience from organizing the previous editions of the fest, the chairman kick started work, and activities were finally set into motion. Money started trickling in when the marketing head began stalking the HR executives of the companies which were on campus for recruitments. Late September arrived and the various committees that made up the fest were charting out their month ahead and committees like Mech, Tronix and Technites were already working in full swing. With a limited budget, each committee had to do their best with what they had. More people were contributing to the fest and things were slowly falling into place. Workshops were being confirmed, new events were being planned and the fest was starting to take shape but there were a few major problems. Roping in a ‘Main Sponsor’ for the fest was one problem. Committees’ lists were taking longer than it should have, thanks The Engi’13 Diaries Change The Perspective 2003 2008 2007 First edition held after amalgamation of fests conducted by student chapetrs of all the technical societies in college It was only a couple of weeks before the fest, on the eve of the open meet, that the website finally went live. Armed with an innovative website, the publicity team started working in over drive, hoping to generate enough interest across the region. Engineer 2013 was one of the first fests in India to go one up from the flash mobs to a freeze mob for publicity. With just a week left for the fest, one could see that the whole college was gearing up for the fest. The Artists’ Forum Engi logo in front of the civil department came up. Facebook was filled with posts of everything Engi with the ‘#engiiscoming’ hashtag. Committee members were burning the midnight oil. Registrations for various workshops started. The core team was overwhelmed with work from general arrangements and food to scheduling the various events and satisfying the needs of every committee. The Tronix committee put up the Engi clock in the main building and the countdown began. As the clock counted down, on the 23rd of October 2013, Engineer was finally here. For the next few days, the college would become as lively as it would ever be in the odd semester and all of it was kicked off with the Inauguration. Along with the usual string of addresses by various dignitaries and an elaborate dance sequence, this edition’s inauguration witnessed a math prodigy. By Karthik Bhaskara