The Shoreline'14 April, 2014 | Page 25

Elisha is a Second Year student of Chemical Engineering. She believes that live music is transcendent and good food is everything. She also says ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ is a pool of infinite wisdom. By Elisha George S entimentality holds little place in a college of logic driven individuals. The subtle precision of lines and nuances of colors seem trivial in a world of defined assumptions, probabilities and structure; where art is thought of as being an expression of the abstract. It’s regarded as something separate from the science that forms the basis of our learning and education. Naturally, opinions and their intensity differ amongst individuals but let’s consider a sample of clichés – they are what a society is characterized by. The scientific method urges one to extrapolate from a known body of facts in order to come to substantial conclusions. It follows a certain procedure – the question, the hypothesis, the prediction, the experiment, and finally, the analysis – that has proved to be a reliable way of going about business in the research community. This structured and systematic approach to a problem or situation is adapted to various degrees in a horde of fields forming a list that the Arts rarely feature in. Our sample group doesn’t associate Art with structure. To them an artist can be a pseudo-talent who glorifies the freedom of his work and advertises its ambiguity. Technical analysis of his subject matter can come across as pretentious and it verges on impossible to ever define what the artist was trying to say with the discrete shapes strewn across a blank canvas. And they’re not wrong. The charm in artistic product is its ability to morph into something that the vie vW"