The Seventh Kingdom: Is Technology Addiction Real Jan. 2015 | Page 41

DE-SIGN_PSY-CHO-LO-GY The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context [i.e. design] (Short Oxford English dictionary, 2007) Design psychology is the reasoning behind why humans fe el a specific way towards a specific type of design. Different factors can impact design i.e. form and colour can affect a user’s mo od. ABOUT The layout of a qwerty keyboard is a universal layout and allows “touch typing” for faster completion of this report. Furthermore, the user interface design in programs from the same company i.e. Adobe, allows easier navigation between programs for example, editing photos for this report with Photoshop and easily navigating through similar menus to place the photo into InDesign. CHAPTER THREE: DESIGN PSYCHOLOGY 26