Dickerson: Up-
land will always
be home
—Page 3
Summerfest art
show winners—
Page 5
Panthers soccer
teams prepare
for seasons—
Page 8
SEGway News
Volume 1, Number 43
Serving South East Grant County
August 3-9, 2017
A Good News Ventures publication
Upland sesquicentennial
first weekend’s activities
In 1867, Upland be-
came a spot on the map.
Through all the hard work
of clearing the
ground, erecting build-
ings, putting up fences,
placing roads, bringing in
cattle, hogs, food supplies,
and digging out the train
track path, Upland resi-
dents were quite pleased
with their new home.
Beginning Friday, Au-
gust 25th through Mon-
day, September 4th, Up-
land organizations will
be honoring the town
with the Sesquicentennial
Celebration. The festival
will celebrate through the
decades - from the Vin-
tage years, stopping at the
Roaring Twenties, going
through the 50's & 60's,
and maybe even exploring
the Hippie Era.
The festival will span
over two weekends. Fol-
lowing is just a short sum-
mary of the
first weekend of events.
In next week's issue, we
will cover the events for
the second
Events scheduled Au-
gust 25th through August
27th, will take place at
Depot Park.
Beginning Friday at
3:00 p.m., the Farmers'
Market will open featur-
ing local growers produce.
Various Crafters will be
set up for you to browse
and buy "one of a kind"
items for you and your
home. Delicious food and
treats will be served by
several food vendors. Be
sure to stop and get some-
thing to eat before you go
to Eastbrook's football
game. The Depot Mu-
seum and Caboose will be
open for tours. You will
find kids playing in the
Bounce House, getting
their faces painted or get-
ting a Henna tattoo.
Saturday will be a day
long celebration begin-
ning at 10 a.m. The crafts
booths will reopen for
another day of shoppers.
The food vendors will be
ready to feed you by serv-
ing various menu items.
The Bounce House and a
Dunk Tank will be in op-
creating all kinds of fun
for kids of all ages.
Families that have lived
in Upland through the de-
cades, will have Family
History Canopies set up
to share their families his-
tory through stories, writ-
ings and pictures.
Stop by and listen to
their stories and learn a lot
more about the history of
Upland than
you will ever learn in
your history books.
We didn't forget our fur-
ry friends. At 11:00 a.m.,
you and your dog can take
a "Dog Walk" with other
furry friends.
noon, a Glass Blowing
demonstration will give
you an idea of the op-
eration of just one of the
factories or industries that
put Upland on the map.
CALL: 765-998-1111
On the stage at 1:00
p.m., "Men of Mercy"
will be singing beauti-
ful gospel music. Many
in this group are Upland
area grown. You can also
enjoy a piece of birthday
cake and ice cream to cel-
ebrate Upland's birthday.
At 2:00 p.m., Center Stage
Dance Studio
will bring to you "De-
cades of Dance" along
with a fashion show from
Vintage Dress to
the Hippie Era. The
"Christian Aires" will
be on stage at 3:00 p.m.
performing their favorite
gospel songs.
To close out the day, on
Railroad Avenue, there
will be a "Sock Hop" for
all ages. Dance music
from all decades will be
featured. So wear your
blue jeans, cuffs rolled up
and bobby socks rolled
down, hair in a pony tail
with a bandana tie, your
most colorful
"hippie" outfit, your
"Roaring Twenties" dress
or your "Great Gatsby"
suit, and be ready to dance
all night. Just like in the
50's, you can dance in
your "bobby socks" un-
til they are worn out. Be
ready for a night of fun.
Sunday, you can start by
visiting the craft booths,
food vendors, throw a
couple of balls at the tar-
get on the Dunk Tank, get
your face painted, or listen
to some stories from the
long time Upland fami-
There will be live music
on the stage all afternoon.
Geoff Schwartz has a train
in his back yard with
through and around the
mountain passing several
spots in the city. He has
invited anyone interested
in train displays , to his
"Open House".
Church will host the
"Community Church Ser-
vice" beginning at 5:00
p.m. at the church on West
Berry Street. The service
is for all community mem-
After the short service,
they will host a birthday
party celebrating Upland's
Following the birthday
party, Light Rider Minis-
tries will load the bus to
take you on a history tour
of the Town. Featured
history buffs are Louie
Benedict and Harold El-
You will hear all kinds
of interesting stories from
the two gentlemen.
That about does it for
the first weekend. More
to come in the next issue
of "The SEGway". The
entire schedule of events
will be out in local busi-
nesses on Monday, August
Two Honor Walls are
raised in Depot Park
Our Town Upland and the
Parks Committee are build-
ing two honor walls at the
Depot Park. The walls will
be used to honor people
throughout the town’s histo-
ry as well as in current times
who have made a significant
contribution to the better-
ment of Upland.
The committees plan to
have the walls complete in
time for the 150 year cele-
bration at the end of August.
The south wall will honor
people from the first 75 years
of the town’s history and the
north wall, the second 75
The first seven names be-
low have been put forward
to be honored for the wall’s
opening and the committees
would be pleased to receive
more recommendations of
names for an honoring cer-
emony to be held each year
at the Blooms-n-Berries Fes-
tival. Contact Warren Ross
for any further information
at 765-661-9829.
Honor Wall
Leland & LaRita Boren
Nancy & Jim Gore
Cleo & Mary Alice Wiley
Ivan & Carol Slain
Milo Rediger
Thaddius Reade
Jacob Bugher