Weaver: ‘100
Pieces’—Page 3
SEGway News
Serving South East Grant County
Volume 1, Number 30
TU Heritage
Weekend to
include music,
Startup Storytellers, an event
featuring Taylor University
alumnae/alumni sharing their en-
trepreneurship stories with mem-
bers of the Taylor community, is
among the highlights of Taylor's
2017 Heritage Weekend, sched-
uled for April 28 and 29.
Hosted by Taylor's Promis-
ing Ventures and Alumni of-
fice, Startup Storytellers will
run from 1:00-5:00 pm, Fri-
day, April 28, in the Cornwall
Auditorium in the LaRita Bo-
ren Campus Center. Featured
guests include Caleb France,
Cerulean Restaurants; Zeke
Turner, Mainstreet Invest-
ments; Ben and Laura Har-
rison, Jonas Paul Eyewear;
JR Kerr, Handshake; and Jim
Lane, Devonwood Capital.
Also scheduled for Friday
is Taylor University's annual
Grandparents Day - an event
that brings dozens of grandpar-
ents of current Taylor students
to campus for a day of worship,
classes, open houses and food.
Saturday events include the play
The Matchmaker in the Mitch-
ell Theatre at 7:30 pm, Satur-
day, and a Musical Celebration
featuring the Taylor Sounds and
Chorale vocal ensembles in the
Rediger Chapel/Auditorium,
also at 7:30 pm, Saturday.
The weekend schedule also
includes private events honor-
ing donors and friends of Tay-
lor University.
Day brings doz-
ens of grandpar-
ents of students
to campus for a
day of worship,
classes, open
houses and food
Back of the Haak
sale is a Taylor
tradition—Page 3
sports’ weekly
April 27, 2017
A Good News Ventures publication
Upland to be part of Food Drive
Every second Saturday
in May, more than 10,000
cities and towns across
America participate in
the Stamp Out Hunger
National Food Drive —
the largest one-day food
drive in the nation. Led
by letter carriers, postal
employees, and other vol-
unteers, the drive has de-
livered more than one bil-
lion pounds of food over
the past 24 years.
This year we are proud
to announce that Upland
will be taking part in this
amazing event. Your do-
nation will have a direct
impact on our community,
as all food will be used to
stock the shelves of Help-
ing Hand’s food pantry.
To participate, simply
place non-perishable food
items in a grocery bag by
your mailbox on Saturday
May13th. Please set your
bag out by 11am. Volun-
teers will come by later
that day to pick up the
food. You may also par-
ticipate by taking food di-
rectly to the Helping Hand
at 64 W. Railroad Avenue,
Upland, between 9 am to
3 pm.
Please remember to
thank your local letter car-
riers for their effort and
support in making this
food drive a success. Look
for a “Stamp out Hunger”
card in your mailbox the
week of May 7-13 as a re-
With 49 million people
facing hunger every day in
America, including nearly
16 million children, this
drive is one way you can
help make sure our friends
and neighbors in Upland
have enough to eat.
Learn more about this
event at https://www.nalc.
Entrepreneurship event at Taylor
By James Garringer
Startup Storytellers, an
event featuring Taylor Uni-
versity alumnae/alumni shar-
ing their entrepreneurship
stories with members of the
Taylor community, is sched-
uled Friday, April 28, from
1:00-4:00 pm, and is among
the highlights of Taylor’s
2017 Heritage Weekend.
The event is hosted by
Taylor’s Promising Ventures
and Alumni office, and will
be held in the Cornwall Au-
ditorium in the LaRita Boren
Campus Center. Featured
guests include Caleb France,
Cerulean Restaurants; Zeke
Turner, Mainstreet Invest-
ments; Ben and Laura Har-
rison, Jonas Paul Eyewear;
CALL: 765-998-1111
JR Kerr, Handshake; and Jim
Lane, Devonwood Capital.
Speaker bios:
Caleb France
Cerulean: Since graduat-
ing from Taylor University
in 2004 with the desire to
become an entrepreneur, Ca-
leb France combined his two
loves of business and cooking
and created Flying Fish, INC.
which has now grown into
multiple Cerulean Restaurants
in Winona Lake and India-
napolis as well as Light Rail
Roasters, Light Rail Cafe,
The Garden Winona, Winona
Heritage Room and CLF De-
velopment. Business Review and other
publications, in campaign’s
with H&M and other clothing
brands, and has garnered nu-
merous awards for its social
responsibility and design.
Ben and Laura Harrison
Jonas Paul Eyewear: Ben
and Laura Harrison founded
Jonas Paul Eyewear after the
birth of their son, Jonas Paul,
who was born with a rare
sight disorder, Peter’s Anom-
aly. They launched their busi-
ness after growing frustrated
about the limited eyeglasses
options for children. Since its
founding in 2013, the Jonas
Paul Eyewear has been fea-
tured in The Wall Street Jour-
nal, Huffington Post, Harvard JR Kerr
Handshake: JR Kerr is
Founder & CEO of Hand-
shake, a boutique reputation
firm focused on connecting
corporate strategy and core
business to philanthropy and
global affairs. He works with
clients that include Caterpillar
Foundation, MSNBC and Tar-
get, helping them build their
reputations while they grow
their businesses as respon-
sible and innovative corporate
citizens. With over 15 years’
experience in convening net-
works of influence around
social issues and creating sto-
ries around these partnerships,
Kerr has served as the director
of programming and curation
for Chicago Ideas Week and
has worked with influencers
and organizations such as The
Gates Foundation, The One
Campaign, Global Poverty
Project, Soledad O’Brien, The
White House Public Engage-
ment Office, and the Office
for Faith Based and Neigh-
borhood Partnerships.
Jim Lane
Devonwood Capital and
New Canaan Society: Jim
>>Taylor page 6