March 23 , 2017 The SEGway News Page 3
March 23 , 2017 The SEGway News Page 3
Ashley Moore : A life of bright and colorful freedom
by Alexis Dierker Ashley Moore lives a life of bright and colorful freedom . Taking a quick step into her home will quickly reveal an imaginative cove of exploration and love . This peaceful place of mind and living however , has taken a journey to arrive upon .
Growing up in Upland , Ashley recalls countless days biking around town with neighbor friends , and skipping through college students working on art projects at Taylor University . As the daughter of two artists — visually and musically , she was supported in her celebration of beautiful things .
“ I ’ ve always noticed different things — every blade of grass , or the color of the sky . And what I love the most are colors ,” Ashley shared . “ Maybe this love came from playing with paint when I was little .” To her , colors represent each person ’ s life story . They reflect joy to her as represented in the bible verse declaring that “ The joy of the Lord is my strength ”.
“ My dad always encouraged us to color outside of the lines , and shared the importance of being who we are .” Ashley shared about her divorce , which helped her to realize that she was not living in the freedom of expressing her true self — feeling forced to color inside the lines . For Ashley , this experience stripped her of just about everything , and she found herself without a house , car , money , or job . “ I was starting at the bare bottom , I didn ’ t even know how to pay a bill by myself .”
“ You find yourself at the start of this kind of struggle , and you have to decide what you ’ re going to do — and I had to work hard . I began to realize that I had built a pattern of turning to someone else to help me — whether a boyfriend or husband , or my dad . I wanted them to fix things for me .” When Ashley decided she was going to fix these things for herself , she gained a wonderful sense of self confidence .
She shared that despite her decision to move forward in independence , she is so thankful for the community of people who cared for her and supported her . If you know Ashley , you may know that she is mother to two sweet and lovely girls who she loves living life with .
“ I want my girls to be free to express themselves and explore . They ’ ve been my
inspiration and have been with me as I rediscover myself and all the things I am capable of .” Ashley has fought hard for this empowering environment for herself and her little ones , and now gets to cherish the happy result . “ People always feel sorry for moms by themselves , but I want them to know that they can be happy and successful — I just want them to know that there is hope ”.
Ashley is a strong believer that the difficult things in her past are what have made life so sweet now . She celebrates and embraces the new things that come along — one of which being her teaching position at Eastbrook South Elementary . As a first year teacher , she has touched many young minds and hearts guiding students in technology . “ This job allows me to get really creative , and have fun as I see the kids get creative too .”
She explained that teaching takes a large amount of patience . “ It ’ s easy to get frustrated when you don ’ t know their story . Every one of these kids has a story — and they act a certain way because of their experiences . When you come to know them and what has influenced their day , it ’ s so much easier to act in a way that is loving and patient .” Ashley explained that many teachers have an incredible gift of zoning in on what is actually going on in the bigger picture , and that seems to be one of the most important skills to have .
Ashley loves to see people ’ s true colors — their real life story . With her patient , nurturing heart , and mind to notice and celebrate the beauty , she will continue to instil value into the people who happily enter her life .
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