Dear Collegiate Chapter Brothers,
Strides need to be taken by the Collegiate Chapter to include our alumni in sponsored events and getting our Alumni Chapter involved early in the school year is key to keeping the lines of communication open. As for me, the start of the school year is the PDC Retreat. It is the “kick off” event for the actives and the alumni. Hopefully, the 2017 Retreat will be well attended by our alumni. Those that attend are dedicated Brothers that want to help make our chapter a success each year. Input from alumni is always appreciated and I know that they don’t mind spending a Sunday in August with the PDC Executive Board.
The close bond between the Collegiate and Alumni Chapters is one of the reasons that both chapters are so successful. Our Alumni Chapter has received national recognition at Grand Council 3 times in recent years as the nation’s best. Credit needs to be shared with the Collegiate Chapter. The on going funding of the Memorial Scholarship would not be possible without the Collegiate Chapter’s endless efforts. It is my sincere hope that all of our graduating brothers join and become active in the Alumni Chapter. Unfortunately, we have seen a drop off in new graduates wanting to become actively involved.
Best wishes to the 2017 PDC graduates!! When asked to write a short article for the “Script”, my first thoughts were of the new graduates and how happy I am for all of them. The graduates should all be proud of their scholastic achievements, their leadership at the College of Pharmacy and the devotion given to our fraternity. As colleagues in the profession, I am sure that all of you will find success and fulfillment within the field of pharmacy. I know that the Alpha Sigma chapter will be well represented throughout the country. Our history is rich with many success stories and our future looks bright for many decades to come. It is my sincere hope that the all the graduates consider membership in our Alumni Association and maintain a close bond to our Collegiate Chapter.
As for me, I can hardly wait for the 2017 PDC Retreat so I can show off my grilling skills.
Have a great summer! And check out the Alumni
web site at:
Fraternally Yours,
Brother Ray Traficante AE 388
Alpha Sigma Alumni Association, President
A message from the
Alpha Sigma Alumni Chapter: