Another great year has come and gone for Alpha Sigma’s Old Gold and Dregs of Wine. This year’s activities consisted of the traditional ones, but also incorporated some new events as well as a new co-advisor, Brother Dr. Brad Hughes!
As always, our year started off with the Chapter and Alumni retreat at the Blackwell Forest Preserve. Our Chapter did a superb job of recruiting a motivated and unique pledge class. The entire Chapter worked their tails off to provide a smooth pledging process. All faculty Advisors were extremely pleased with how well-organized all of the events were and how smoothly they unfolded.
As I continue to become more involved with the COP, other organizations, and activities within the College and University, I am awed by how involved so many of our Brothers are. From inpatient or outpatient externs to leadership positions within other organizations to research and volunteer opportunities; this is what being leaders in pharmacy is all about!
The academic year was capped off nicely for me, by being humbly named the Alpha Sigma Advisor of the Year and also being inducted to the Rho Chi Academic Honor Society in Pharmacy alongside several Alpha Sigma Brothers. I am proud to be a co-faculty Advisor of Alpha Sigma.
I wish all of the graduating Brothers the greatest of success, and I want to continue to challenge all of the active Brothers to be the best student-pharmacists you can. On behalf of all of the faculty Advisors and all of the Alpha Sigma alumni, I thank you for representing Alpha Sigma with professionalism, pride, brotherhood, and of course pharmaceutical elegance.
Tommy Chiampas, Pharm.D., AE #1120
Producer Support:
Alpha Sigma Advisors
Brother Dr. Tommy Chiampas
Top left: Dominick Zotta, Ronald Koch, Norman Garges, Cristian Cioflanc (guest)
Bottom left: Tommy Chiampas*, Bradley Hughes*, Beatrice Drambarean*, and Ray Traficante.
*Advisors of Alpha Sigma
Alumni enjoy the festivities of our pinning ceremony. Brotherhood crosses generations and is everlasting.