The Score Magazine September 2021 issue | Page 21

Music is like a good 70 % of what I read and consume online . I love reading biographies and autobiographies of recording engineers of their days in studios with artists etc . I am a bit of a geek in that sense .
Apart from that , I like watching cooking videos on YouTube . My wife works full time . I try to make sure I cook up something edible for my daughter .
Tell us about your practise routine Generally , when my daughter goes to sleep is when I get to play . Luckily I have got a situation here where I can actually play through the amps on headphones . Otherwise , if I had used the speaker cabinets , it would be so loud I ’ d have the police at the door very soon !
With regards to practise , I usually like find a song that is a bit challenging , something I have always enjoyed listening to . Sometimes , I learn stuff that I learnt the wrong way when I was young , so now I try and re-learn them correctly .
How much has your musical taste changed over the years ? Do you often evolve in your choice of music to listen to ? Do you incorporate elements of new music in your work ? I have become a little less picky . I used to be a bit of a music snob but now with a young daughter , ones choices are wide .
It ’ s interesting that I am listening to music not by choice but because it is being played here . I believe you can learn from any form of music as long as it ’ s done well .
Like the movie Frozen and the music , the writing is so amazing . My ears are always open and inspiration comes from anywhere .
Have you kept up with things rolling in the Indian music scene ? Yes of course . I listen to new artists like Tejas , Komorebi etc . Since I follow artists on Instagram , I am quite updated on the scene . So , I would say yes !
How does a musician stay as creative and relevant over decades , as you have ? Especially in a world with much lower attention spans . Generally , my process is to just make music I enjoy listening to . I don ’ t really play the numbers game to check on how my work is doing . Even if three people like it , I am happy . The pandemic has also made me look at the world in a more pragmatic way . As long as we have a roof over our head and food on our table , the day is good .
Being a musician also means you are an entrepreneur yourself as you have to create and market your work . What does this mean to you ? I tend to look at my posts on social media the way I would like to see content as a follower . Whatever I post , I try to make it genuine from my side . On the whole , I don ’ t have a set plan in that sense .
What would be your message to your listeners as well as young and aspiring guitarists ? I would tell them the same thing I would tell myself when I was a kid . It would be to focus on just being the best musician you can and make the best music you can . There will be trends that will come and go , but it would be better to focus primarily on the integrity and longevity of your music . If you choose to do it just for fame and money , there is a good chance you will be disappointed .


A song that you cannot stop listening to currently
“ Where No One Goes ” from the movie “ How to train your Dragon ”, because my daughter will not let me stop listening to it :)
When I ’ m driving on my own , I re-visiting the album “ On an Island by David Gilmour
When did you see your first electric guitar ?
I was a kid my Dad had a lovely Fender Jazz bass . Whenever he opened the case , it had a smell that I can still remember . It was the first electric instrument I saw as a kid .
Name 3 artists you would love to collaborate with
Paul McCartney Dustin Boyer Michael Landau
Name 3 artists you still swear by
The Beatles Led Zeppelin Queen
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