The Score Magazine September 2021 issue | Page 17

having faith . The other fact that I love about the song is that I haven ’ t even seen my collaborators and the connection and chemistry that we have sitting miles away from each other with just vibing off of each other on WhatsApp calls and creating magic with no compromise on the quality . It ’ s an orchestral pop track that I ’ ve co-composed with Ossi Jauhiainen and Mikko Tuomi has mixed and mastered it . I honestly can ’ t wait for you guys to see the video that we are cooking up . It ’ s gonna be a treat for your eyes .
You have this incredible ability to infuse emotion into all your words and make the listener feel everything that you ’ re singing . Can you tell us a little about your songwriting process ?
My songwriting process is basically vomiting everything that I feel or am inspired by life at that point in time . Absolute honesty with myself and my pen ‘ n ’ paper ( Yeah , I ’ m old school that way ) 95 % of the time I come up with the melody and my words together and so far it feels right to me . I ’ m experimenting with other ways of songwriting lately though .
Which artist do you admire the most ( male and female ) and why ?
Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston . Legends . GOAT ! MJ ’ s as an artist inspires me to this day . Excites me and makes me giggle like a child , just like years before when I heard him for the first time . Whitney is the greatest singer of all time . Period !
Has social media played an important role in your career ?
Social media is free . It ’ s the best form of advertisement and helps an artist connect to their fans and listeners from all around the world . For me , I love interacting with my audience . And my target audience is pretty scattered in their taste and geography coz I also do a lot of songs in my mother tongue Malayalam . So , it ’ s fun to reach out to people with different tastes in music .
What ’ s the best compliment you ’ ve ever received about your music ?
I love it when they say ‘ I got goosebumps . Hahah I love it !

Rapid Fire

How would you describe your sound in 3 words ? Soulful , Honest and dramatic : P
3 things you need in the studio / 3 things you can ’ t live without Pen and Paper , Warm Water , and Darkness ( except for the light on lyrics )
If you could have your pick of any venue in the world , where would you want to perform ? Royal Albert Hall . ( London , UK )
If you could have your pick of any artist in the world , who would you want to work with ? AR Rahman and David Foster
One thing people don ’ t know about you . That I ’ m not a Pasta Fan .
Your favourite / go-to song ? No go to songs . But currently I ’ m obsessed with Retrograde by James Blake
What ’ s an IG account you ’ re guilty of stalking / following ? Haha recently , a nail technician who can make nails out of literally anything . You name it . Onion peels , wooden chips , bubble wrap … it ’ s outrageous , I love it .
If you could switch lives with one person for a day , who would it be ? Gorden Ramsay . Hahaha for obvious reasons . So creative even while trashing . The Swag !
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