The Score Magazine October 2021 issue | Page 42



Normally when talking about physical activity beneficial to health , traditional methods in society such as jogging , playing a sport or simply spending a few hours in the gym are pointed out , but there are many ways to perform physical exercise , including playing music .
In general , there is the cliché of assimilating musicians with an extremely unhealthy form of life , which in some cases even includes the extremes and debauchery , but many times it is not taken into account that the physical virtues are present , especially in drummers , who are in charge of setting the tempo and qualifying the melodies with countless rhythmic elements .
According to a 2008 study using Blondie ' s drummer Clem Burke as a test subject , it was found that playing for an hour and a half can increase the heart rate to 190 beats per minute , which translates to the necessity of a great physical resistance on the part of those in charge of the percussion . And this was a drummer playing Blondie , you can only imagine what would be the heartbeat of a drummer playing speed metal .
In fact , the physical and mental effort required to execute a song with a fast and varied rhythm is high , at such a level that it equals the effort of a professional soccer player moving around the field .
This was verified by the head of the investigation , Marcus Smith , a sports medicine specialist at the University of Chichester in England .
Smith announced that the caloric expenditure of a drummer can reach 400 and 600 calories per hour , like the football masters , but with the difference that the football player only exerts the effort about two times a week , while the musician does it in each concert and rehearsal , which in the case of a professional can translate into up to 20 performances in a month .
Data from this study were collected by measuring heart rate , oxygen consumption , and lactic acid levels in the blood .
Thus , comparing the speed and duration of the rhythms , we can speak of a greater effort in the case of heavy rock drummers , who usually use a musical execution speed ( Tempo ) in Allegro or higher . Hard rock can easily reach 140 beats BPM ( Beats Per Minute ), but in speed metal and black metal it even reaches the Prestissimo Tempo , that is , higher than 200 bpm .
To this can be added the complexity of the rhythms , which also require greater coordination and body movement , as seen in the songs of bands like Rush or Dream Theater .
But this is not only limited to rock , since it can be appreciated either in Jazz , Fusion and Pop among many others that use drums as a fundamental part of their compositions .
Some examples of drummers who demonstrate their resistance are the late Neil Peart ( Rush ), Dennis Chambers , Gene Hoglan , Dave Lombardo ( ex Slayer ), Tommy Lee , Inferno ( Behemoth ), Travis Barker ( Blink 182 ) Pete Sandoval ( ex Morbid Angel ), Jimmy Chamberlin ( ex Smashing Pumpkins ), Mike Portnoy ( ex Dream Theater ) or the versatile Thomas Lang , among many others .
You already know , if you are not addicted to football or spending hours in the gym and rock is what makes you get up from the chair , you can practice a few hours of drums , improving resistance , coordination in even the mood after releasing a little stress hitting the drums .
Beating down on the skins is not only a great musical outlet , but it is also a great outlet for your calories . So set your metronome , tune your drums , get your sticks and start grooving . Keep doing it regularly and soon your body will become as tight as a drum .
The Score Magazine
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