The Score Magazine October 2021 issue | Page 32


Tips to Build the Perfect PA System

A public address system is a team that is responsible for reproducing voice messages or music through loudspeakers strategically placed in the corresponding building . The usual thing is to connect the system to a hard disk , a USB memory or some other computer storage system . The loudspeakers are usually distributed over the entire surface where the people destined to listen to the corresponding messages will later be located .
What makes up a PA system ? There are basically three . The first is the switchboard , which allows you to control the volume , connect a peripheral or stop playback to broadcast a specific message . The speakers , which can be connected to the previous part by Bluetooth or by a wireless Internet network , are the second . There are several types , being the ceiling and the wall the most used . The third key part is the sound amplifier . Its power will be marked by the number of speakers connected to the system .
What are the different types of public address systems ? Yes . Within the public address system , there is analog , it is used mainly in places of reduced dimensions , such as supermarkets or leisure centers . The digital version uses IP technology , with systems that can be centralized or
The Score Magazine
32 highonscore . com not , and is the most widely used alternative in places where you have to send messages to users recurrently .
A public address system can be used in an office , gym , party room or anywhere else where you need to control multiple audio sources through one master control . The main components of a public address system are a mixer to combine multiple sound sources , an amplifier to maximize the volume level , a microphone for the announcer , and speakers to project the sound . Other devices are also connected to play music on the system as well .
Build a great PA system Connect an audio mixer with three or four channels to an amplifier , or get a mixer with its own built-in amplifier . For a standalone mixeramp combo , connect the amp input to the " AMP " output ports on the mixing console . Use composite RCA audio cables , which have red and white plugs .
Connect as many speakers as necessary to the amplifier . Depending on the ports available for all devices , use either RCA cables or stereo mini-coaxial cables ( these have a single plug with two black bands ). An amplifier with at least four RCA output ports works best . Place your speakers around the room , and make sure you have enough cable . Connect a microphone or headphones to the mixer via its " Mic " port . This should be a large stereo coaxial port , where the connecting plug is much thicker than a stereo mini plug . A headphone has a second connector that connects to the mixing desk ' s " Mobile " port .
Connect a set of headphones to the " Cell Phones " port if you have connected a separate microphone to the mixer . You need headphones to hear everything you play on the system above the crowd noise .
Connect additional devices ( CD player , MP3 player , radio , or computer with music files ) to mixers on other channels . You may need mini-to-RCA cables to connect them , which we have the red and white plugs on one end and the small stereo coaxial connector on the other . Make a note of the channel each device is connected to so you know the dial volume it uses .
Connect and turn on all devices . Use the mixer to control the volume of whatever channel you are using , making sure your mastery level is at full volume . For example , when using the microphone , turn up its volume level while lowering the volume on other devices that are playing games , such as the CD player .