The Score Magazine October 2021 issue | Page 17

How have you been able to use social media in this current times ? Are you finding that you use it even more to stay connected to fans and other musicians ?
I have been using social media as a way to reach out and connect with my listeners . No one could ’ ve predicted that the world would change so drastically and that too so suddenly . None of us had any time to even prepare . I wanted to be a voice of hope for people - someone who sang them to sleep , sang their favourite songs to make their day better , made doodles that made them feel like their feelings were valid . I definitely use social media a lot more but it ’ s important for to take breaks from time to time because i don ’ t want to force myself to make content or write songs when I ’ m not feeling it .
What was the most path breaking moment for you as an Indie artist ?
I don ’ t think I ’ ve had that yet , and I ’ m sure when it happens I tell the lovely folks at Score first hehe
If there is one thing you would like to change about the Indie scene , what would it be and why ?
I would love to see more acknowledgement and media attention for womxn artists . Despite so much talent and twice as much hardwork - artists still aren ’ t given their due cause people care more about the male narrative . And that needs to change
What is it about music that makes you feel passionate ?
The ability to create something out of thin air , which didn ’ t exist up until a few moments ago . Something which will become a home for strangers I ’ ll never meet - yet somehow we ’ ll be connected by an invisible emotional force . I think that ’ s beautiful , hard not to be passionate about something like that
Describe your most favorite and least favorite part about being a musician .
Most favourite is songwriting , least favourite is how lonely it sometimes is
Upcoming projects

Rapid fire

An instrument you would love to learn : violin
A song of another artist you wish you had originally sung : Enough for you by Olivia Rodrigo
Hobbies you have other than music : swimming , cooking , painting , illustration
An artist you would give anything to collaborate with : Damien rice
A song of your own that you wish you could re-write / recreate : given my heart
I have a few collaborations in the pipeline , very excited about them
The Score Magazine highonscore . com